The Supreme power has bound the nature in a particular system in order to manage the universe. Nothing in the universe is in disorder. Ages over ages passes away but His rules and principles as regards to nature remained untouched inspite of heavily destructions world-wide. The regulations and management of nature has been successfully in operation since inception and this will continue and go on forever unchanged. It is obvious that nature is incessantly managing its work silently as per rules set by its Creator. It surprises the intellectuals and scientists about systematic work of the nature; hence it appears that every particle of this world is bound by some particular rules. In means wherever a thing is demanded, its arrangements are pre- ordained by nature with adequate speed. In spiritualism also, the same principle follows. It has been an age long tradition that Spiritual Knowledge transfuse from one heart to another as a result the Great Souls take human form/birth at a place, at fixed times.
Lord Shri Krishna once explained that in seasons He is a spring season. The spring season, which in fact the king of all the seasons, came to rule over the earth. With the advent of this season, new flowers as well as leaves come up to welcome with their delicacies. The smiles spread all over. Green grass converts the earth into velvety carpet. The black bees started humming. The nature also smiled along with the season.
Either Creator orders Saint to take birth or sometime the Creator Himself decides to born in human form for particular task. Hence Almighty in the form of Perfect Saint Shri Shri 1008 Swami Swarupanand Ji Maharaj took birth on the most auspicious day of Basant, on Friday, the 1st Day of Feburary, 1884 A.D., or 20th Magh, Samwat 1940 Bikrami in a reputed Vasudeva family at Teri in Tehsil Banda, in District Kohat of N. W. F. P., Whose advent was long awaited. The relatives present at that time realized that a divine light appeared in His home as a true message that He would reform and bring about a radical change in ethical and spiritual life. Moreover, there were no signs of weeping as generally when a child is born, instead a sweet smile seen on the beautiful lips of the Divine Child. Revered Lala Prabhu Dayal Ji was His father and Smt. Radha Devi enjoyed the honour of being called His mother.
Teri at that time was experiencing extreme cruelty and utmost injustice, as compared to the rest of the country. The piteous calls of the God loving people approached the Almighty. The Excessiveness of cruel pathans were a routine at that time and even for petty matters they had no fear to shoot or murder with sword. They also used to kidnap hindus for ransom. Therefore He had to make Teri, His birthplace, the moment He touched that piece of earth with His sacred feet, that land becomes celebrated. In view of the above, the Second Guru had chosen to bless the Frontier Province and put the people of that very state on the right path by kindling in them the flame of devotion.
Hindi Quote:-A“Kulam pavitram jananni kritartha vasundra punyawati ch tain”
English version:-
Fortunate were the parents, the clan and the house where the sun of knowledge, who was destined to shine forth in all the three worlds, appeared.
Mother’s Experience
Sometime before the birth of Second Guru, His mother share experiences used to say, “I never know who plays the flute in my ears and remained attached while listening different spiritual music’s.” As a result, the mother had become munificent by nature. Faquirs and beggars got whatever demanded and if any family member advised her to restraint, she used to say that she was only complying with the orders of someone else as such she was helpless.
Extraordinary Acts of Childhood
The people of Teri impressed by His Divine glory and extraordinary acts, they could not restrain exclaiming that He was an Incarnate (god in human form) and not an ordinary person. Hence He was worshipped in each and every house. The residents of the area were deeply impressed due to His extraordinary virtues, they used to ask Him as to what was there in the fist, and His reply surprised everyone when they found His prediction would come out true. As people would begin to praise He would prefer to avoid wrangle and escape. He used to spend most of His time in meditation. There was divine intoxication in His eyes and a halo of indescribable splendour around his head, which bewitched the hearts of the devotees. These people often told His near relatives that He was surely an accomplished Faquir(Saint) and He was not born to lead the worldly life. They used to invite Second Guru into their homes, expressed their love & devotion, touch feet to realize eternal peace.
Here displaying His few childhood glimpses are only like a drop from the ocean. Various acts of the Second Guru could not be described here, because His extraordinary spiritual powers as well as performances can not be confined to any limits. Those were indeed fortunate people, who were present and had seen such acts and experienced His Divine personality. There is another ‘leela’(act) of His childhood when he was hardly three months old, His revered mother Radha went to a Deity temple to worship, at a hill along with Second Guru and other ladies friends. As she had to go for worship, she laid down Second Guru on a stone nearby. After completing riutals she came out, she was deeply depressed not to find Him there. No whereabouts of Him were noticed in spite of thorough search, several enquiries from her near and dear ones but all were surprised as to where the Divine Child had gone. Mother Radha suspected that some wild animal might have taken Him away. As such, when all their efforts proved disappointing, none in the family take food even for three days due to deep sorrow. After three days, the Pujari of the Temple approached their house and informed that innocent child lying unattended at the Temple balcony. Everyone was overjoyed to listen the good news and later found that the child was none else but whom all of them had been searching for three days. So he rejoicing brought Him home. There was no end to the happiness, performed number of auspicious ceremonies to find her child come back safe. Who knows the import behind this incident? He thereby, made it clear; that someone else who was born and He is unborn as such entered the body only after natural milk of the mother got pure.
After few days of the above incident a Faquir with long hairs came before his house. His revered mother offered some alms for him. The Faquir refused to accept anything, saying that he had visited only to have a glimpse of her child. It indicates the signs of His greatness and confirmed the fact that He was the Puran Sadguru (Perfect Master). At this mother feared and refused to bring the child before the Faquir. But the Faquir was insisting on seeing the child. In the meanwhile Pandit Hemraj ji approached there and came to know the wishes of the Faquir. Pandit Ji turned to His mother and said, “There is no harm in bringing the child out to attain blessings alone.” The Faqir apprised Pandit ji about his intent desire to see the child. Then Pandit Ji brought the child before the Faquir, who took Him in his arms and for some time kept gazing at Him; very affectionately asked Him, ‘Do you recognize me?” The child looked at his face and smiled. Before Pandit Ji took inside and laid Him in the cradle, the Faqir was nowhere to be found. Pandit ji made an intensive search for the faquir, but the faquir disappeared. It seemed as if some god from heaven had come in disguise to have His divine look.’ It is indeed beyond the human intellect to guess as to whom that Faquir was, but his wish was duly fulfilled by seeing the smile on the Divine Child’s face. This incident also reminds us the Child days of lord shri Krishna, when god shiva in form of faquir with matted hair came to Gokul to have a glimpse of bal gopal (divine infant), mother yashoda expressed her inability to meet his demand as she had harboured the idea, that perhaps the Faqir might conjure her child. But the Faquir was also adamant and insisted on seeing the child. After several requests mother yashoda brought the child before him, the faquir then took the divine child in his arms and looked at with great devotion. As such same incident repeats here.
Since childhood He never went to any school but whenever any person would ask Him to study, He would begin discussion in detail on some spiritual topic. He used to ask whether bookish knowledge alone was the measure to know the depth of one understands. Greatness, according to Him, lay in knowing one’s own self. Even intelligent and highly educated people surprised at it. In fact He studied that lesson from where all education originates. When He grew about nine years old, He would go to the mountain caves bare footed in order to get absorbed there in meditation, if anyone noticed Him in meditation He would change the place of meditation, as real Saints never allowed to be known as great.
When Second Guru was hardly thirteen, family members insisted Him to take interest in business in order to share burden. But He had come from Heaven to trade in Truth and not to get Himself engaged in worldly affairs. That was why He never paid any attention to business. If ever He sat in the shop and a customer asked for some goods He would give and never ask for money. As such family members asked him not to do business and do whatever you want. He has come in the world to liberate one and all. Emperors of the world could not equal even the dust of His sacred feet.
Second Guru’s Meeting with First Guru
In the First Guru chapter, it has already been described when Dewan Bhagwan Das had prayed to Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji, to visit his home place. So, in the year 1904 Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji, accompanied by Dewan Bhagwan Das Ji came to Teri and as such begun His spiritual discourses. Through devotees, the Second Guru heard that a perfect Master had arrived. He was urged from within to have His ‘Darshan’ and so He went to see Him immediately. As soon as He bowed at the lotus feet of First Guru to pay Him respects, Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji, the First Guru, looked at Him affectionately and said ‘Aa gaye Bhaiyya’ (So you have come, my dear). The latter very humbly replied with folded hands, “Yes Maharaj Ji, I have come.” At this Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji said, “lt is good that you have come here yourself, otherwise, I would have had to come to see you.” It seemed as if a disciple had found out the Perfect Master, indeed it was a meeting of two Great Souls, the two Great Saints of the age. Apparently it was the beginning of a new spiritual movement.. The purpose, with which Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji had put His divine foot in the town of Teri, had been fulfilled. The Second Guru’s heart filled up with the waves of extreme peace and joy. At that time He felt so much inner blessings like the Chakaur does at the sight of the moon, the sun flower when it gets the sun’s grace and the fish on getting water. The First Guru also felt as if He had found out the right disciple who would fulfill His mission of spiritual movment. As such Dewan Sahib’s request to Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji(First Guru) to visit Teri was only a medium.
The Divine Miracle
The one who never demand anything from anyone once in His own desire when He got up after meditation, He asked Pathan for milk from a cowherd. The Pathan respectfully prayed, “Maharaj Ji” These cows do not yield milk.” He then indicated towards a particular cow and said, “Bring this cow’s milk. Take this pot and bring milk quickly.” Pathan got surprised as the cow was barren since long. How strange were His acts He would remain without food for number of days, while at that time, He insisted for having milk from the Pathan. Considering the words of Saints never go wrong, the moment he started milking, he astonished that the utensil was filled with milk. For long time that cow continued to give milk. The Pathan brought the pot full of milk and offered that to Him. When he went back to his place, he could not hide the fact and explained that event to the villagers, and sang His virtues. Earlier that pathan thought only muslim faquirs(saints) have spiritual powers.
Exemplary Standards
With a view to show the right path to the devotees He has set standards for the benefit of people. He moulded His life with the times and achieved that ideal in life, which others would follow and as such cross the ‘Bhavsagar.’ First of these was the delicate relationship of the Master and the disciple which He firmly observed throughout His life. People think that always a disciple put efforts in search of a saint, but here the perfect Master Himself comes in search of him.
Initiation into Sanyas
Once His (second guru) Family members gave Him some money and asked him to go Agra for some business so that on His return He should bring some profitable commodities. But being a trader in spirituality, what interest could He have in the wordly objects? He spent all that money meant for business in the Guru’s langar (Kitchen). When He returned home, the family members retorted and then said, “Go and do whatever you like.” Thus His heart’s desire was fulfilled. A thought arose in His mind that He should adopt the dress of a Sadhu. He expressed that desire to His Master Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji, as such the First Guru then bestowed the Sadbu’s dress on Him in year 1907 and gave Him the auspicious name of Shri Swami Swarupanand Ji.
Initially as per directions by Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji, Second Guru used to meditate in the mountains of Teri, As and when Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji would ask his most able disciple (the Second Guru) that you were meditating at that place, Second Guru smiled as acceptance. In fact the perfect saint always knows all internal stages of His disciple and in order to bestow the nectar of His teachings. Suppose one goes on looking at the waves on the sea-coast, though with a keen desire to acquire the pearls and jewels, that would never be procured. Surely one can obtain pearls or jewels from the sea by diving deep into it. The greater the sufferer, the greater the profit. Thus the Second Guru dived deep into the ocean of instructions of Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji, the First Guru, and acquired jewel in the form of Perfection in spirituality.
Rigorous Meditation
The First Guru asked His dearest disciple to meditate in Agra, with the object that Second Guru preserve the spiritual power to be utilised in future as the reformer of the spiritual Age. Tears rolled down the cheeks of both the Guru as well as the disciple. At the same time, Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji just asked
‘suno radha payari jane nahin pauo gi’
“Listen Radha you could not go away to leave me”
As He did not want to send away His disciple, but the nature and the circumstances of His great Mission justified Him to take the most difficult decision. It is not easy to explain that scene in words. The Second Guru was very sore with the thought of separation and on the other hand had to compliance with the order of His Master. As such, He could not say anything. To obey the order of Sadguru become the sole aim of the Second Guru, as such forgot all His personal sentiments and now His entire fortune was to carry out the orders and thus practise severe austerities and meditation at Agra.
Who cares for seconds, minutes, hours, days, nights, weeks, months, years, seasons passing but never He felt perturbed by the heat of the scorching sun by noon or the cold at nights. He bore summer, winter, raining and storms on His delicate body. A long kurta (skirt) was His only dress. Far away from town in a jungle under the Neem Tree the Second Guru, absorbed in his own ecstasy, roamed in quite a different world in a gufa( a very tight cave 3-4 feet under the land). He had no attachment with any body whosoever. Many a resident of Agra, who was totally unaware of His name and whereabouts, felt attracted by this Great Soul and placed some eatables near His seat with a thought He might accept them. But the Yogeshwar, the Second Guru, had no affinity for eating/drinking. Only boiled neem leaves He used to eat. As such His divine body reduced to skelton. In this way, many seasons came, displayed their effects and departed. Shri Sadguru Dev Ji, the Second Guru, sometimes repeated the action of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and sometimes resorted to severe practices like Mahatma Buddha After initiation, He lost all interest in worldly affairs. Now only purpose had in mind i.e. renunciation, He even had forgotten Himself and merged with the Supreme Power. One faquir has really explained similar teachings in his wordings;-
“Perfection lies in losing your separate entity altogether Merge yourself in Him, ‘O’ seeker, for that alone is the real union.”
Test of Perfection
Every action of the Saints had some secret purpose behind it. Every disciple is supposed to put to test from time to time and at the same time with utmost inward kindness they make the disciples complete perfect in order to set an ideal for the other devotees. As Saint Kabit has rightly described
Hindi quote
“Guru Kumhar shishya Kumba Hai……”
“The Guru is like the potter and disciple like the raw earthen pot. Just as the potter removes its defects by moulding the pot again and again. He gives support from within and strikes it front outside Similarly, the Guru also moulds the disciple.”
The keen desire of Second Guru to see His Spiritual Guru made Him restless. Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji was then in Jaipur. The Second Guru, therefore, reached Jaipur from Agra in order to fulfil His impelling desire. At that time He was wearing a kurta and dhoti.His clothes was totally torn into pieces, His lips turned soaked, cheeks squeezed, eyes reduced in the face and lotus feet bare footed(without slipper or sandal). The moment He bowed at the divine feet of the First Guru to pay Him respects, but here Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji willed to put His most liked disciple to such a hard test which no one can imagine, word fails to express the sentiments between master and disciple. Before the Second Guru had hardly taken His seat, the First Guru asked Him with brimming tears to go back at once, as your presence is required at there for meditation. At this, the Second Guru, instantly got up to return. It was an indescribable and the most sensitive scene, because a disciple out of his natural deep love and affection for His master had just come to have darshan(physical meeting). Here every body was careless, so much so, that none offered Him water even. The First Guru said nothing to anybody and suppressed His feelings. After leaving the place, Swami Swarupanand Ji had hardly gone a little way, when Pandit Jagan Nath, a devotee of Shri Paramhans Dayal ji, who was coming from his home met Him. Pandit Ji took the Second Guru to his home and arranged for His bath and meals Then after giving the railway fare to his son, asked him to accompany the Second Guru to the Railway Station to purchase the ticket and to arrange for a comfortable seat for Him in the train. After being free from this service when Pandit Ji reached the place, where Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji was staying, on hearing that arrangement he had made for Second Guru, tears rolled down the cheeks of Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji again, and then said, “Pandit Ji! You have done a great job, I also wanted the same way. There was a secret advise in the heart of Pandit Ji by the nature on the instruction of Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji but our human minds unable to measure up the pace of great saints.
After coming back from Jaipur, the Second Guru absorbed Himself in spiritual practices and meditation at Agra. He also used to deliver short spiritual discourses and the devotees of Agra waited for hours to listen. He used to addess people as ‘Hari Har ‘ and devotees in answer also reply ‘Hari Har’ out of reverence as these words deeply liked by the Second Guru. People of nearby realized that not only in name, but also in action, He was Hari Har’ and as such He got famous with this divine name as Hari Har Baba. The environment so much impressed with this kind of spiritual sound and as result the tree, and the wall, under which He was meditating, echoed the sweet sound of ‘Hari Har’.
Pray by Devotees for a Cottage
As the rainy season was just to come, the devotees persistingly prayed to the Second Guru either come to our house or allow us to build cottage/room in which you could sit and meditate, but He paid no heed to the requests. Attachment with any wordly comfort had since been gone away. According to the instructions and wishes of His Master He was moulding His life and remained absorbed in inner bliss in the desire of renunciation
Blessings by Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji
After few days devotees jointly had sent a letter by way of appeal to Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji, stating that the Second Guru, being absorbed in His own bliss, was sitting at an open place without any shelter, He bore summer, winter, raining and storms on His delicate body. He must be experiencing extreme uncomfortable physically but He was not responding to our various requests to build some cottage/room and sometime expressed anger. In view of the above, we may be allowed to build some sort of shelter for Him. At that time Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji was delivering a spiritual discourse at Tal. When He read that letter, tears flowed from his eyes. At this devotees present asked Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji as what was in the letter, He replied that said letter meant for ‘Swami Swarupanand Ji from the devotees of Agra requesting me to order Baba ji(Second Guru) not to suffer extreme atrocities and allow us to construct cottage. Now what we could explain to them? He (second guru) had attained ‘fearless stage (nirbhay padh) i.e. renunciation. If we say Ram He is Ram, likewise if we say Krishan He is Krishan, if we say Nanak He is Nanak and if we say Kabir He is Kabir. All the four positions of Ram, Krishan, Nanak and Kabir were bestowed upon Him. Now write to the devotees of Agra do not interfere in His Will, now His and Mine will merged as one. At this stage I am not interested to instruct Him anything.
Spirtiual Upliftment of Masses
After thirteen years of severe spiritual practices of Second Guru, the First Guru Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji now considering that time had come to uplift the masses spiritually and hence sent some disciples in Agra to bring the Second Guru to Teri. Due to severe meditation had though weakened His physical body completely, yet such was the radiance there that none could stare at His radiant face. The pleaseness of Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji about the completion of Second Guru’s inward journey with the hard spiritual meditation He had undergone by means of which, the propagation of the immortal light throughout the world, awakening of the people from the slumber of attachment and putting the ignorant people on the right path.
Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji arranged tremendous care for the Second Guru and few devotees already in service in order to help improve the weakened health. After few days of adequate care He gained good health quickly.Whenever group of devotees came from outside for Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji’s Darshan’, He would ask the Second Guru to give them spiritual discourses. All the devotees derived immense joy and found themselves benefitted. As such His praises spread all over. Devotee’s occassionaly prayed to Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji to send Him to their residence for spiritual discourse. At this shri Paramhans Dayal Ji immensed pleased to note such faith and reverence of the Devotees. Accordingly Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji behested him to deliver Spiritual sermons in order to uplift the masses. In obedience to these commands, He begun for awakening the slumbering humanity and also initiated to propagate the practice of NAAM from village to village and town to town.
Hold over wordly languages
Once the devotees of the nearby viilage came and requested Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji to inaugurate a Gurudwara, Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji replied, “I am not having time to come, my own image, Baba Swarupanand Ji, would attend the ceremony.” At that time who knows that Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji was eagerly preparing to transfer all His powers to the Second Guru before planning for heavenly abode. Swami Nijmukta Nand ji(earlier known as Bhakt Ram Chandra Ji) also accompanied Second Guru for inauguration, he had a thought in mind that Second Guru never had gone to any school, no problem I myself would speek few words of Shri Guru Granth Sahib as a formality. When Second Guru reached Gurudwara and started spiritual discourses by taking few words from Shri Guru Granth Sahib, the people felt attracted towards Him because of His spiritual grace and Swami Nijmuktanand Ji was extremely surprised to see the miracle that Second Guru To Whom he considered as an ordinary saint was mistaken and full respect in his heart awakened afterwards towards the Second Guru.
Transfusing of Spiritual Powers
Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji used to call the Swami Swarupanand Ji, downstairs to His own room and bless Him with spiritual powers, disclosing saintly secrets. The two Great Souls conferred with each other during whole night with the sole aim to uplift the masses spiritually. Hence the Second Guru became the treasure of full spiritual knowledge in all respects. This process continued for few months. The two Great Souls now had become one.
Advent in the Lakki Marwat
As per directions of the First Guru with a view to expand the area of spiritual discourse, the Second Guru visited Lakki Marwat. Bhakt Hemraj Ji was His faithful devotee and served Him with great faith and love. He had so much faith and affection for Him that whenever he saw the Second Guru, he used to be so happy and absorbed that he even lost consciousness of his body. Tears always roll over in affection as a mark of true devotion and his eyes never remain dry out of ecstasy. One day after the spiritual discourse, arrangement for the stay of Second Guru’s was done in a Haveli (an open ground having walls all around and was without roof). On that day in the evening huge raining was observed, A devotee named Bhakt Hemraj Ji (the third Guru later known as Swami Nijatamanand Ji) who was most faithful worried a lot that Maharaj Ji(the Second Guru) was feeling difficulty due to heavy raining as there was no roof and He was staying in open.
A Miraculous Event
When Bhakt Hemraj Ji having Lalten(lamp) in hand reached that place so that Maharaj Ji could be shifted to a House. Bhakt Hemraj Ji was surprised to note the strange scene there, at a five-five feet distance all around from the sacred bed of Maharaj ji, not even a single drop of rain occurred and that place was totally dry. As bhakt ji took seat after bowing with high respect before the Second Guru. Shri Maharaji asked “this time in a night how you have come here” Here Bhakt Ji was thinking that the Second Guru is Himself a Almighty and a thought came in mind that his idea was merely like showing of a Deepak(lamp) to the sun. Sometime sentiments can not be expressed in words, at this Bhakt Ji replied “we thought in a storm of raining how you had been staying in an open ground and we have come here to shift your goodself in a house. On listening the reply shri Maharaj Ji stated “Bhai(brother) there is no raining here, if it happens then we move alongwith you.” Bhakt ji instantly bowed again at the sacred feet of shri Maharaj Ji, tears started flowing out of ecstasy and said that at every place there was raining, but here is no rain, what is secret in it, you know your own acts.” This act of nature was spread far and wide, but shri Maharaj Ji advised not to discuss this, as this is the sign of great saints Who never like their praises.
Thus the reputation of the Second Guru was increasing day by day. People from far flung areas started pouring in for His ‘Darshan’ and in reality the seekers experienced strange ecstasy in His physical presence. Number of devotees went into trance even on having a glimpse of Him. The Second Guru usually explain lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride etc., are the hidden enemies of a human, create hindrance in the way of devotion. His emphasis mostly upon the importance of ‘NAAM’. He used to say ‘NAAM’ is that nectar, the practice of which makes even death and illusion dread its practiser.
Shri Swami Swarupanand Ji as a Spiritual Successor
On the other hand at Teri a will was being dictated by Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji, in which His orders regarding His spiritual Successor recorded in writing that His Spiritual successor is Baba Swarupanand Ji and also advised to disclose this fact to all old as well as new devotees.
In order to compliance the order of the First Guru, the Second Guru proceeded towards Kulachi to deliver spiritual discourses. He did lot of preachings, which even the ordinary persons gaining devotion. He was trying to fulfil the orders of His Master by working day and night. At Teri Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji’s body had become very weak. Therefore Shri Paramhansa Dayal Ji decided to bid farewell to this world. On 09th day of July,1919 at 6. 00 A. M. Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji, the First Guru left for His heavenly abode
Shri Swami Swarupanand ji got the sad news felt extremely grieved, tears rolling over like Ganga and Yamuna, remained in deep sorrow. But nothing could be done. The Second Guru with great difficulty controlled His sentiments and informed each and every devotee about the news of First Guru’s departure and He Himself arranged Bhandara(free langar) on the 13th July, 1919 in the sacred memory of the First Guru. That very day the Master’s Will regarding the appointment of the spiritual successor was read out to one and all, and the 2nd October 1919 was fixed as the day of accession to the ‘Gaddi’. On Thursday, the 2nd October 1919, i.e. 16th Asuj, 1976 Bikrami,, in the presence of thousands of devotees, the Master’s command regarding the appointment of spiritual successor was read out, all the followers and devotees applied tilak (saffron) to the forehead of Shri Swami Swarupanand Ji Maharaj, in recognition of His having succeeded to the spiritual throne (Gaddi) as the Second Guru and on this occasion a free grand feast was also arranged.
Extensive Tour for welfare & Third Guru’s meeting with Second Guru
In order to expand the area of spiritual discourse, first of all the Second Guru made Lakki Marwat, District Bannu, the main centre of His spiritual preachings. On the basis of seekers ability He made the devotees easily understand the secrets of spiritualism. When the place Lakki Marwat(birth place of Third Guru) initially became the centre point of spiritual teachings, as how Shri Swami Nijatamanad Ji(Third Guru) came into contact with Second Guru utmost important. Although Bhakt Hemraj Ji ( Swami Nijatamanad Ji) in His household life had great interest in religious works, by profession He was one of the richest lendor(financer) and moreover head of Lakki Marwat. Due to deep attachment with spirituality and always found he in search of perfect saint, as He had heard that devotion to the Guru was the main aim of the human life. Such wandered in far flung areas for about six months to find sadguru, and this question made Him restless. With the grace of almighty one day Bhakt Siddu Ram Dudeja apprised Him “your outside wandering remained waste, so accompany me for Teri Dist. Kohat, I would arrange physical meeting with perfect saint.” Instantly on hearing this, both of you left for Teri. At the very first meeting with the Second Guru, Bhakt Hemraj Ji realized inner blessings to find the Spiritual Master and wept a lot as repent over the time passed without His noble company. The Second Guru cosoled him, as such showered affection, the description of which is beyond the scope of pen and paper. Shri Maharaj ji usually ask every new seeker about meditation, when the same question put up by the Second Guru, Bhakt Hemraj Ji replied “Shri maharaj Ji I read and leave religious book named ‘bhaktmal’. At this Shri maharaj Ji said with little smile “Do not read and leave, instead read and adopt.”
Through the spiritual discourse filled with affection as well as grace of the Second Guru, the spark of devotion was kindled in the heart of Bhakt Hemraj Ji. On listening the touching words of Shri Maharaj ji, tears started flowing out of ecstasy. After that you have attained the ‘shabd yog’(Naam, a mantra) from Second Guru.Now it was utmost difficult for Bhakt Hemraj ji to leave the Second Guru like a moth always feels happy to burn itself on the flame and a drop of water attains peace when it merges with the ocean. He began to mould His life in devotion. For Him, the fulfilment of every wish and compliance with every order of the Second Guru was the sole aim of His life. Bhakt Hemraj Ji expressed His keen desire to His Master for sadhu,s dress, the Second Guru, Shri Maharaj Ji advised Him to wait for a proper time, otherwise people of Lakki Marwat would blame that we have taken away their Head, now meditate at home and do service. After lapse of some time, when bhakt Hemraj Ji repeatedly requested, then Second Guru, bestowed the Sadbu’s dress on Him and gave Him the auspicious name of Shri Swami Nijatamnand Ji. The full description of His life and teachings will be found in the chapter relating to Him (i.e.Third Guru).
The One Whom the Lord Protects
As the land at Lakki Marwat was purchased and construction started. Ashram of Lakki Marwat also named as Krishan Dwara, Now the shortage of water was felt there, as devotees was increasing day by day and secondly there was no arrangement of water nearby. The neighbouring residents had to walk a lot to fetch water. As such devotees requested the Master that a well be dug there. He accepted their request and Himself left for Dera Ismail Khan for the propagation of spiritual discourse. The area was all sandy. The digging work continued for several days because the water was deep down. When the required depth was reached, a wooden circle or ‘chak’ was sunk in it. When the height of the construction above the wooden frame grew more, sand started falling again and again as a result whatever progress was made during the day, the same was undone at night. During the work a muslim labourer who was taking out the sand from the well. A huge quantity of sand suddenly fell on him as the sand from the sides used to fall in the well. Other labourers begun to shout as their companion got buried beneath it. The parents of the labourer also came and started weeping. All those who were present almost sure that he must have died. Instantly all the devotees started removing the sand, when the sand was taken out, a voice was heard from that labour, nothing to fear, I am safe here, when enquired, he replied if some invisible hands had picked him up like a flower and put him in that room, he further said that he was feeling as if he was sitting in a closed room. It appeared, as. At this, all felt very amazing and thus praised the Master. The most surprising act of the Almighty was that labour was fell out side the room and found him inside the room of the well. In this work He displayed that selfless service which leads to happiness and also showed the significance of the service rendered to the Master.
Now, the construction of the well had reached in a dangerous position. When the parents restrained him for working there, he replied, “Even if God Himself asks me not to work, I shall not listen to Him. I shall continue to serve the Saints Ashram without any wages. I cannot leave this service under any circumstances.” Such he resumed his work.
As a corner of the wooden circular frame (Chak) of the well had become curved, labourers left the work. Bhakt Hemraj Ji had written a letter to the Master at Dera Ismail Khan about the development. The Master got a reply sent; you continue doing your work as per schedule. Everything will be all right. Tthe devotees restarted the work after getting the orders with full devotion and zeal. Curve of the wooden circular frame of the well gained its proper position automatically with the blessings of the Master. There is a hidden import in the sayings of the Saints of the time, by which the devotees get attracted. The construction of the well was completed and the scarcity of water in that and nearby areas was abolutely removed. All the people began to get water of that well and sang the praises of the Master. It was all due to the influence of the Master’s setting foot at Lakki Marwat, hence that place became a pilgrimage.
The Great Saints execute work according to the needs and conditions of the time for Ages. It is beyond human intellect either to know or to test them. Their pace is not only unmeasureable but also infinite too. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji attracted the people to the path of devotion by showing mercy as well as miracles, on the other hand Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji took sword sacrificed His body as it was necessary to do so. Did Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji not possess the required power to change the prevailing conditions by a mere indication? But He did only that, what was required. Although Lord Ram did possess that much power, as to eliminate Ravan but He took help of the monkeys, because they were also to be sanctified through service. In reality the Saints are as deep as the ocean and to fathom their depth is just impossible. They come in human form to ferry the deserving souls across the worldly ocean, whosoever comes under their protection setting aside of his own thoughts, wisdom and pride.
Natural attraction of spiritual power
As and when the Second Guru made a visit to sanctify the place by the touch of His sacred feet, devotees started gathering from all the nook and corner of the country in order to quench their thirst for Darshan and to gain spiritual knowledge. Although the Second Guru did perform uncountable miracles, but He immediately gave a covering of illusion to all His miracles. Only a few of those can be described here. Once on the request of the devotees He agreed to go to Tal Buland. On the way there flowed Sangdoba stream (water of which was several feet deep) across the stony ground and it was necessary to cross that stream on foot. As the devotees were planning to take the Second guru on their shoulder to cross the stream, during their discussion they found the Second Guru strolling on the other side. All the devotees crossed the stream, and requested Him to enlighten them about the significance of that event. He replied, “Dear lovers, I have also crossed the stream in the same way as you did.” He further explained that the only difference that I have crossed by a power of will and you have crossed by physical power. As such the Second Guru changed the topic and reached the Krishna Dwara at Tal Buland alongwith devotees
Perceptor’s wordings distinct-freed the boy from the clutches of dacoits
Once during the tour for awakening the humanity, the Second Guru was staying at the residence of Mahatma Yog Atmanand Ji in village Kakkiyan. In those very days, a dacoity took place at Kakkiyan and the dacoits kidnapped the son of a devotee. That devotee had only one son and as such came to the Second Guru to apprise Him the incident. The Second Guru instructed him to meditate and every thing would be alright. After three days, the devotee received a letter from the dacoits to send rupees ten thousand as ransom at the fixed place, otherwise he would lose his son. On this he came instantly to the Second Guru and narrated everything to Him, Who again asked that he should remember God. The devotee went away, but afraid that now there was no hope of his son being freed, as he would not be in a position to pay huge amount of ransom. As his last resort the devotee, begun worshipping and meditating as per the order of the Second Guru. It so happened that a constable was seen on that mountain where the dacoits had carried that boy to a hide-out. On seeing the constable, all the dacoits ran away leaving the boy there, then the constable reached to that boy and enquired about him. The boy disclosed his name, father’s and village’s name. The constable untied the boy and took him to his village. The boy requested that the constable should kindly accompany him to his home, but the constable replied that his work of freeing him over and he had to do other duties. On reaching home, the boy explained all this to his father. The devotee inwardly known that except the Second Guru none else could go there in such a dangerous place. It is quite obvious that the Second Guru has attained the fearless state like Lord Krishna, thus freed the boy from the clutches of dacoits. Next day the devotee, accompanied by his son, came to Shri Maharaj Ji and expressed heartfelt gratitude. Then prayed for apology for the trouble that the Second Guru had taken to save his son. At this the Second Guru advised him to meditate and make his near ones to follow this path. As ‘Naam’ could keep away all the dacoits including those residing within like lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride.
So Kabir has rightly said:-
Hindi quote:-“Dukh mein sumerin sab kare sukh mein kare na koi, jo sukh mein sumrin kare usey dukh kaye ko hoye”
English version:-Every one remembers God in distress. None remembers Him in peace and affluence If one remembers Him in peace and affluence, one would face no misery at all.
Theives turn Devotees
During the construction of the Ashram at Lakki Marwat a wooden doors was fixed at the main gate of the boundary wall of the Ashram. Some culprit Pathans took those doors away at night. In the morning the devotees apprised the Second Guru about the stolen incident. At this, He instructed that no action was to be taken against those, who had taken away the doors and a new doors be fixed. Accordingly the order of the master was fully implemented. In fact great saints are always free from any kind of revenge or enmity. After few days those Pathans also committed theft some where elseas a result thery were arrested, were made prisoners. The recovered materials including those doors were seen carrying by the police on the way of Ashram. The culprits were punished according to the prevailing law. The family members of the Pathans, who had taken away the doors, came and prayed the Master to forgive and to be kind to them in future, as they were poor. The Second Guru replied “Here everything is being done by nature. We neither bless nor curse anybody. You may sincerely seek forgiveness from God. We have forgiven you, rest assured.” Tulsi Das Ji has rightly described in Uttarakand of the Ramayan.
Hindi quote
“Sant hirday navneet samana, kaha kaviyan pe kahi na jaana.”
English Version
“The heart of’ the Saints is softer than butter. Butter melts when heated itself, but the heart of the saints melts at the very sight of the sufferings of others.”
At this centre of spiritual activity was born the Third Guru Shri Swami Nijatamnand Ji and other prominent disciples of this famous place were Shri Swami Vairaganand Ji and Shri Swami Beantanand Ji respectively. These disciples had also displayed their love and affection towards the Second Guru. They entrusted themselves completely to the will of the Master and thus became entitled to His blessings and pleasures. All have done great job in their repective areas in respect of awakening the people and kindle the light of truth.
Grace of Second Guru on Kul Guru Paras Ram
By infusing the new spirit of spiritually to the people of N. W. F. R,, Now the Second Guru desired to carry His message to the people of the Punjab, as the object of the Great Souls is to benefit one and all and let no one deprived. Bhagat Paras Ram Ji was the occupant of the Gaddi of Har Milap Sahib’ in those days. The Gaddi was at Buchchian, Distt. Sargodha, in West Punjab but Bhagat Paras Ram Ji, used to stay at Dera Ismail Khan. On hearing increasing popularity of Second Guru, he also came for His Darshan(physical meeting). After having seen His divine personality and listening to His heart stirring discourse, he offered of making a complete surrender to Him.
The Second Guru observed ‘Premi (Dear), you are a Kul Guru’ (a family priest), why do you need a Guru?’ At this Bhagat Ji replied, ‘Deen Dayal Ji, No one can qualify himself as a Doctor until he pass the test and by having practical exposure, If doctor’s son wishes to become a Doctor without studying anything, can he do so? Our ancestors realised themselves after undergoing severe practices and austeries and as such they became the ‘Kul Gurus’ of their times. After that, the faithfuls started accepting us the ‘Kul Gurus’. Neither have I neither undergone any meditation nor adopted any Master. It is only because of your spiritual discourse made me realise that one should first become a Gurumukh and then can be a Guru.” The Second Guru pleased with all his pure views, pour our shower of grace on Bhagat Ji and initiated him as well as his family members into the science of Surat Shabad(Naam). It has been righlty described by Saint Tulsidas ji in Ramayan:-
Hindi Quote:-
“Sant, vitap, sarita, giri dharni par hit hetu saban ki karni.”
English Version
The Saints, trees, streams, mountains and earth, all these work for the good of others.
After that Bhagat Ji prayed to the Second Guru to kindly shower grace and likewise initiates his own followers in the Punjab. These words confirmed the truth that one can not become perfect in the ‘Surat-Shabad without being initiated by the Guru. As He was kind hearted accepted the request and after few days accompanied by Bhagat Paras Ram Ji, and on the way Bhagat ji due to old age took his last breath’, before his last sigh, the Second Guru had assured him for more life but he refused because of so many accumulated pure acts one gets death before His master and thus repeated the Bali’s scene of Ramayana. Every one present there sought similar grace. Thereafter, Second Guru blessed Bhagat Ji’s his son (sh. topan ram ji) on the Gaddi of Har milapi as per their rituals and also initiated their followers as per promise made to Bhagat Ji.
Advent in Chakauri-Heart Captivating Personality
Once when the Second Guru was staying at Thakkar Varyam. Devotees were flocking there from far and near. During those days there was a marriage of a daughter of devotee at that village, the boy’s parents were belonged to Chakauri Dist, Gujarat. As soon as groom’s relatives came to know that Sh. Maharaj Ji used to shower grace on seekers and had seen the unconditional affection of the devotees towards the Second Guru. They were internally motivated and with great enthusiasm reached to that place where the Second Guru was showering spiritual discourse. Each and every word of shri maharaj ji deeply touched their hearts. They lost their consciousness and became mad with love. They also forgot that they had come on bharat leaving behind their house-hold and all other work. All of them requested the Master to pay a visit to Chakauri. The request was granted. The devotees of Thakkar Varyam sang devotional songs, urging Him to continue His stay there, but the Second Guru consoled them that it His Duty from the Nature and as such had to sanctify Chaukari, so that spiritual benefit reach to all. In fact the Great Saints are intrinsically very kind and whosoever approaches Him with humility gets blessed with treasure of spiritual wealth. Some of the name of the main devotees belonged to Chakauri who were firstly initiated by the Second Guru were sh. Mela Ram ji, sh. Munshi Ram ji, Sh. Karamchand ji, Sh. Wadhawa Ram ji, Sh. Sardari Lal ji, Sh. Kartar chand Ji. The Master proceeded to Chakauri in order to infuse new spirit of spirituality in thousands of men and women. There.Never so far the people of Chakauri had seen such a heart captivating Divine face. Whosoever saw Him, at once forgot all about his house-hold. The Second Guru returned back to Bhuchiya Village after kindle the light of affection.
Command to third guru for mass awakening Master-disciple a matchless love
The Second Guru has instructed His dearest disciple Sh. Swami Nijatamanand Ji(the Third Guru) to visit various places of Punjab for spiritual uplift and mass awakening. The Third Guru had extreme love and affection in the sacred feet of the Second Guru and hence unable to face distance even for a moment. Fearing to stay away for six months from the master had made him restless, wept a lot and got unconscious. What a matchless description of love has been given. It is easy to speak of love, but difficult to practise it. If the devotee is prepared to sacrifice his all for the pleasure of the Master, the Master also takes over the responsibility of taking every care of the devotee. Such Sh. Maharaj Ji permitted Swami ji for spiritual discourse in twenty villages and also indicated the time period of six months. Shri Swami Nijatamanand ji completed his tour merely in 12 days and waited outside the Bhuchiya Village in order to send message to Sh. Maharaj Ji for Darshan. Here the Second Guru was playing different act altogether and left for Malakwal. Sh. Swami ji filled with sorrow to listen and also left for Malakwal for Darshan. Due to fatigueness Swami ji took rest for few moments on way. Sh. Maharaji had changed his plan and as such had to proceed for Kanpur from Malakwal railway station. When Swami Ji after enquiring approached railway station, the Second Guru has already boarded train, as there is always some secret in master’s order to which no human can understand. Sh. Swami Ji repented a lot and now what could be done? Swami ji’s impelling desire to meet master had made Him sad. The fire of love flares up in the heart of Swami Ji. He wondered here and there with brimming eyes. In appearance and dress He looked very simple. As such also boarded next train in search of His Master (embodiment of all virutes) for Kanpur and thus reached Kanpur but Shri Maharaj Ji stayed on the way at some devotee’s cordial request and reached Kanpur after few days. It took long wait of sixteen days to Swami ji to see His Master to quench his spiritual thirst and realized inner immensed joy. Swami ji passed few days under holy feets of Shri Maharaj Ji. One day shri Maharaj ji directed Swami ji to propagate devotion and spiritual uplift in Punjab. Alongwith all this It was also asked “you would see me after a period of two years.” To think the period of two years away from the Master, Swami Ji’ eyes rolled down tears. After controlling His sentiments Swami ji prayed to Shri Maharaj ji “A knower of all the hearts, my lord that your disciple of your divine feet could not live without you.” After continuous humble request of Swami Ji, shri Maharaj Ji granted a period of six months for expanding devotion of love and propagating the practice of Naam.. In obedience to these commands, He starred for awakening the slumbering humanity and began to propagate the practice of NAAM (shabd yog, a mantra) from village to village and town to town in the region of Punjab. The Third Guru (swami ji) had completely dedicated Himself to the service of Guru as a result; He was a recipient of utmost affection of Shri Maharaj Ji. The third Guru sacrificed everything to please his Master and Full description of His biography will be available in the chapter of Third Guru relating to Him.
Exemplary Act of Forgiveness & Grace-An episode of sleuth
Shri Maharaj ji had returned to his congregational headquarters at Chakauri ashram from Sathoiwala Distt. Layallpur around 1928. Shri Maharaj ji thus spent six months at the ashram, occupied in these noble endeavors. Though occasionally, he would leave to visit the neighboring places when besought by the devotees there, he utilized most of his time at the ashram. One day Shri Maharaj ji announced to the congregation.” Some people come here to snoop around or to rob things off, secretly. These poor fellows aren’t aware that whatsoever is happening there it’s all the doing of nature. They come here disguised as followers or devotees but their designs are wicked. Some of them come here to investigate secretly as to how much wealth we, the saints, have amassed. There are some others who want to commit a robbery here, seeing the rich majesty of the guru-durbar and of the garland threaded with the currency notes worth thousands of rupees, held around my neck.”
Shri Maharaj ji had not yet completed his pronouncement, when a man stood up, humbly saying, “Maharaj I am the unfortunate one sent here, snooping around to see how much this garland costs, since it was heard that you wear garlands worth thousands of rupees”. Shri Maharaj ji laughed and said, “This garland has been put around my neck by a loving devotee just to satisfy his urge. Moreover, this is not so expensive as you seem to believe. We are the simple fakirs totally unconcerned with such ornaments, being always absorbed in name-recitation. Completely detached from all these affairs, we are concerned with only what has been assigned to us by the great master, namely, practicing name recitation, and holding discourses for the mass up liftment. If you want to have this garland, you need not to steal it from here; right now you may take it away and give it to those who sent you here. Why should the poor fellows bother so much for it, when I’m myself giving it for them”.
Hearing these kind words, the sleuth felt very ashamed and profusely began to beg Shri Maharaj Ji’s forgiveness. These words seemed to have pierced through several hearts at the same instant, like the famed Rambaan. Not only the detective became his disciple, but his stonehearted mentors who had sent him on the vile mission, also came under guru’s swaying impact. How could the words of the great saint go waste? Even the robber turned disciples began to worship the holy feet, overcome with devotion.
The Police Raid
One detective sent a diary against the Second Guru’s to Lahore, the capital city of Punjab, in which he had arbitrarily written: “the saints here indulge in extravagant expenses of thousands of rupees daily, while sumptuous delicacies are served to the devotees at the langar. It is suspected that these sadhus and mahatmas are mining fake currency notes, and gold too”.Receiving the news a large police party comprising four inspectors, ten station house officers and twenty cops, came to raid the chakauri ashram suddenly one evening. Shri Maharaj ji at that time was out on a long walk along the bank of Chenab, accompanied by twenty of his followers. The police, having locked all their rooms, sat awaiting their return. One of the mahatmas rushed to the river bank and informed Shri Maharaj ji about the raid. Hearing the news Shri Maharaj ji at once returned to the ashram and asked the police inspector what the matter was. He replied with respect that they were there in connection with the search they proposed to undertake. Shri Maharaj ji said, “What’s it that you want to search for? Neither do we have any wealth; property or treasure nor any secret place you might want to search. Still, you may do anything you like to clear up your suspicions”. The police then began to make a thorough search of each and every room, even to the extent of digging up deep down the floors, but could find nothing except a few saffron garments, books and small quantities of wheat flour and pulses. Feeling utterly ashamed, they lay in front of the saint with hands folded, begging his pardon. “What are you doing, “said Shri Maharaj. “You are police officers; you need not fall at my feet”. Then all the officers said almost in unison, “we are the servants of only a fake government, in fact you are the real master to us. We have seen nothing but truth everywhere in this guru’s court. We came to search here in performance of our duty; but the truth is that the moment we had your holy darshan, we felt convinced of nature’s hand in everything taking place here”.
A laughing Shri Maharaj ji replied, “I’ll tell you the way out. Beneath my throne over there, lies buried a hidden treasure; you may dig it up if you want. This way you’ll be not only honoured by the government but also will be performing your duty for which you’ve come here. Another thing you have to do is to arrest me; this will surely help you to get your promotion. If you are strong enough to dig it up, the hidden treasure is all yours. If you feel it’s not there, then I’ll help you recover it, but that will be of no avail”.These guileless words had their impact on the officers, who stood utterly speechless, much ashamed as they were. Those who came to rob themselves stood robbed. Those who came to take search like masters, themselves became followers. Those who came to put handcuffs on others, found themselves shackled in the bonds of love.Having gladly offered an amount of rupees fifty at the langar next day, they took their leave. Shri maharaj ji made this pronouncement of the daily congregation that day.
One day the great master caused a weird incident to happen. At about eight in the night bhakt moolchand ji, who later became famous by the name of swami beantanand ji, brought an amount of rupees seven thousand, having disposed of some property belonging to a devotee, in accordance with Shri Maharaj Ji’s instruction. The devotees who had sought refuge their, used to take delight in surrendering all their possessions at the holy feet. Shri Maharaj ji was seated on his bed. As soon as bhakt moolchand ji came, he handed the moneybag to swami shabdanand ji, after having paid his usual respects at the holy feet. The devotees present there got up to go at the bidding of Shri Maharaj ji, who noticing the bag asked, “what is there in it”? Swami shabadanand ji replied, “I don’t know Shri Maharaj ji”. But bhakt interrupted, saying Shri Maharaj ji, the bag contains an amount of seven thousand rupees for service of the darbar. Saying this, he started placing the bundle s of currency notes in the denomination of ten and five rupees on the bed side of shri Maharaj Ji. But Shri Maharaj ji had never touched money. As the bhakt spread the bundles on the bed, Shri Maharaj ji kept sliding back, even to the extent of even to sit on the pillow leaving the whole bed. Then Shri Maharaj ji asked each and every mahatmaji present there, as was typical of him, “if you need money you can take money, as much as you want”. But none of them accepted the generous offer. Then came the turn of swami shabdanand ji.he said “I am ready to accept from your lotus hand as much as you like”. Hearing this Shri Maharaj ji burst into laughter. Other mahatmas also couldn’t stop laughing, as everyone knew that the great master never touched money.Then Shri Maharaj ji said to bhakt moolchand ji, “these mahatmas are lazy bothered about money matters as they practice non-attachment. I command you to place the bundles in front of each one of them by turn, so that they may accept your offer”.Bhakt moolchand ji did accordingly. To whoever he took the money, he would reject it out rightly. This created a strange scene there, as if a football match was being played, with each player passing the ball on to the next the same moment.Thus a huge amount of money was being pushed around with no one willing to accept it. Looking at this despicable treatment being given to the riches, Shri maharaj ji took pity. He started to pronounce to bhakt moolchand ji, “no one needs your money here. Now play this trick. Untie the bundle and spread the loose currency notes all the ground”. This having been done, Shri Maharaj ji ordered all the mahatmas to start dancing on the paper floor. The mahatmas, obeying the command began to trample upon the riches, and no one seemed to be worried about it. All of them were rather intoxicated with love and devotion for Shri Maharaj ji. This wonderful spectacle continues until eleven at night. Then Shri Maharaj ji asked bhakt moolchand to gather all the money and further stated that He was pleased with service.
Meeting of Shri Sar Maharaji with the Shri Guru Maharaji
Swami Vairaganand Ji, a dedicated follower of Shri Maharaj Ji was in Sind Province on the ordained mission of awakening the people from the slumber of attachments. Swami Vairaganand Ji presented himself at the lotus feet of Shri Maharaj Ji at Chakauri praying to Him to undertake a visit to Sindh. Shri Maharaj ji accepted the request and visited Lukhi, Garela and some other places in 1927 obliging the devotees by His sacred darshan and spiritual discourses. In the meantime several devotees belonging to Layallpur and Jhang areas sent request letters to Shri Maharaj ji to visit at their place. As such Shri Maharaj ji accompanied by Swami Nijatamanand ji and some other mahatmas came from Chakauri to Salaarwala Railway Station, where He was received by a large number of devotees. His arrival had caused waves and waves of joyous excitement in the minds of devotees. Next day the devotees of Bhakhre wali came to know about the arrival of Shri Maharaj Ji. The Fourth Guru (Shri Swami Sar Shabdanand Ji Maharaj also among the devotees had privilege of having divine darshan of His Holiness. The fourth guru wondered that a glow of pure white light pervaded the whole room. Gracefully seated, Shri Maharaj Ji looked more beautiful than the full moon of the sharad poornima night. The only thought that struck into the minds of fourth guru that in seeing the Second Guru’s divine presence, eyes long cherished wish fulfilled for time not known since when separated from the fountain head of love and affection. As a result now the fourth guru appeared to have suddenly turn alien, in home where he had spent long fourteen years felt as unknown. After some time His Holiness Sadgurudev ji asked to leave so that others could have their turn to see him, but thought of separation made him restless.
Blessing to sing self composed songs-miracle
Shri Maharaj ji was carrying on with His devotional discourses as usual staying at Bhakhrewali. Before an actual discourse some devotees would offer to sing hyms in praise of the Master, and then they would sing pray for shri Maharaj ji to come and grant holy darshan (divine presence) to the audience. At that time the fourth Guru (the humble slave) was fourteen years of physical age and fond of singing devotional songs. One day Shri Maharaj Ji asked the fourth guru lovingly you sing bhajn everyday, have you composed yourself or do you take from some booklet; the fourth guru humbly replied “my lord, I take the songs from the text authored by mahatama Bali Nath Ji Yogi entiled Dharam Prachar.” Hearing this reply Shri Maharaj Ji said “No one can satisfy his hunger licking the container discarded after use, I command you to offer only the self composed songs here, everyone can sing songs composed by other, but true praise of the Master involves personal experience, just as a sweet delicacy has to be tasted in original, for its enjoyment and not through the written or spoken words of others.” At this the fourth guru humbly prayed “Shri Maharaj ji I am totally ignorant and not capable of composing devotional songs, only the truly great and worth personages could write poetry or hyms. Shri Maharaj Ji said “we command you to give up your ego or i-ness, which is not at all helpful in writings songs of devotions, by tomorrow, you will have to write one such song.” Having been thus commanded the fourth guru got afraid of a thought to strike the mind as to how it shall be able to have a look at divine presence without a song, to write virtually beyond him, failure to do so would enrage Shri Maharaj Ji, what he shall do now, he thought. The next day when Shri Maharaj Ji asked fourth guru whether he had accomplished the task, the fourth guru humbly replied, “Kindly forgive me, my inability to abide by your wish, Maharaj Ji. Hearing this Second Guru, placed His holy hand over the head of fourth guru and holding his arms and very tenderly said “I know you are unable to write devotional songs, but you have to compose one, this is my order.” Hearing these treasured words of shri Maharaj ji, the fourth guru felt as if someone hidden within the shrine of his heart was exhorting him to write particular words, the fourth guru awestruck as to who was uttering the words, which also begin to flout around him as if of their own volition. At that very moment the fourth guru sat to write the words dictated by the subtle voice within. The next day when the darshan were allowed, the fourth guru humbly offered this song at the lotus feet of Shri Maharaj Ji.
“Sant roop dhar aaye, satguru san troop dhar aaye”
The full description of Fourth Guru’s life and teachings will be found in the chapter relating to Him (i.e. Fourth Guru).
As You Feel So Shall You See
Shri Maharaj ji was such a divine presence that everyone fl drawn towards him as if towards a magnet. Many of the devotees had heard it said about Shri Maharaj Ji that he could assume several forms at a time or could go on changing forms while seated at a place.
Is It Fair To Demand In Return of Devotion
One day Shri Maharaj Ji was holding a congregation when Bhakt Mahaliya Ram Ji Naaz alongwith his mother, appeared at the holy feet. The mother placed little offerings before Shri Maharaj ji, who then said, “There seems to be some secret reasons behind this, tell me truthfully, what brought you here.” The woman said “Oh the Supreme Lord,, you know everything, still you ask me this, I have come only to pray for this child of mine who is the matriculate, but idles away his without any work to do. If you could grant him your blessings, he certainly would find some job.”
Hearing this prayer the giver-one said “Why don’t you give up selfish motives?
What’s it that you demand in return of service and devotion? Think well before you open your mouth demanding some boon, only that great Master, Who is all powerful, can fulfill the desires of all.” Bhakt Mahaliya Ram Ji Naaz then said, “Gurudev, I wish a job somewhere.” Hearing this Shri Maharaj Ji had a hearty laugh then said, “Tell me just now which you prefer, becoming a servent, or becoming a Master.” The Bhakt could only say that he preferred to be a servent, the kind Shri Maharaj Ji, in fact, intended to grant him a boon, but the ignorant boy could not catch the hint and kept the harping on the need of the job and nothing else but the compassionate one who had already opened doors for him, said, “Take this little offering and start working.” After a month Bhakt Mahilaya Ram ji got a job at Rs. 100/- per month in manufacturing sports goods at Sialkot. He was quite happy having landed this job. When the Guru feels like doing so, they can even create a river out of a drop.
Guru’s blessings can never go unrewarded, after about two months, Bhakt ji became the owner of the company and shifted to Calcutta. In a few days, there was drastic change in the scenario at home. His family successors are still at Caluctta now, though Bhakt Ji is no more. Due to Shri Maharaj Ji’s blessings, they are fabuously rich. Great Saints rightly say that worldly people wish only for worldly objects and pleasures, whereas the Lord has some other plans for them.
Protection to the Devotee
Once Bhakt Sunder Das ji of Chakbandi came to have the darshan(personal meeting to take blessings) at Bhakhrewali Ashram. Shri Maharaj Ji ordered the Bhakt ji to set out for Kot Khudayaar and bring Bhakt Devi Dayal ji and others. Bhakt Sunder Dass Ji immediately left for the destination at a distance of about 10-12 miles.It was evening when Bhakt Ji was left obeying Guru’s command, soon after night fell on the way. The Bhakt Ji who was eighteen years old then, straight from the path in dark approaching the burial-ground suddenly, he stepped on a grave. Before he wanted to mover further, a horrible voice was heard – “stop here, do not move, why did you let your foot fall on my house?” Standing still and awe-struck he was thinking as to where the voice was coming from when he had the vision of a woman with hair let loose and clad in red clothes standing just in front holding an earthen lamp in hand. Extemely frightened, he felt his head reeling in utter darkness. Still he started moving on a side. The horrible looking woman instantenously threatened, “I will not let you go.” The Bhakt ji at the moment chanced to recall the sacred sentence given to him by Shri Maharaj Ji ‘Remember me as the end of life approaches’ thinking that his end was near, the Bhakt ji remembered Shri Maharaj Ji praying, “Save me O Lord.” Hardly had he uttered these words when the woman stepped aside saying, “Now you remember your Guru, had you not been backed by some super natural power today, I would have wrecked my vengeance on you eating you up. Go now as I am afraid of the one whom you remember, otherwise I would have shown you what I am.” After that Bhakt ji left for the assignment given to him and after completing the work next day returned to the holy refuge at Bhakarewali, when it was time to have darshan “Shri Maharaj Ji asked Bhakt Sunder Dass ji.” Tell me brother how was the journey “Was it trouble free, you must have caught cold, cloudly as it was last night.” The Bhakt lay clinging to the holy feet washing them off with tears of love, and then he narrated the whole story to the whole congregational gathering. All the devotees burst into a song in praise of the deity who, closing the chapter then and there, gave blessing to the tearful Bhakt Ji. Bhakt Ji took sanyas later on from Shri Maharaj ji and known as Swami Sat Nirbhramanand Ji
A complete detachment
One day the great master caused a weird incident to happen. At about eight in the night bhakt moolchand ji, who later became famous by the name of swami beantanand ji, brought an amount of rupees seven thousand, having disposed of some property belonging to a devotee, in accordance with Shri Maharaj Ji’s instruction. The devotees who had sought refuge their, used to take delight in surrendering all their possessions at the holy feet. Shri Maharaj ji was seated on his bed. As soon as bhakt moolchand ji came, he handed the moneybag to swami shabdanand ji, after having paid his usual respects at the holy feet. The devotees present there got up to go at the bidding of Shri Maharaj ji, who noticing the bag asked, “ what is there in it” ? Swami shabadanand ji replied, “ I don’t know Shri Maharaj ji”. But bhakt interrupted, saying Shri Maharaj ji, the bag contains an amount of seven thousand rupees for service of the darbar. Saying this, he started placing the bundle s of currency notes in the denomination of ten and five rupees on the bed side of shri Maharaj Ji. But Shri Maharaj ji had never touched money. As the bhakt spread the bundles on the bed, Shri Maharaj ji kept sliding back, even to the extent of even to sit on the pillow leaving the whole bed. Then Shri Maharaj ji asked each and every mahatmaji present there, as was typical of him , “ if you need money you can take money, as much as you want”. But none of them accepted the generous offer. Then came the turn of swami shabdanand ji.he said “ I am ready to accept from your lotus hand as much as you like”. Hearing this Shri Maharaj ji burst into laughter. Other mahatmas also couldn’t stop laughing, as everyone knew that the great master never touched money.Then Shri Maharaj ji said to bhakt moolchand ji, “these mahatmas are lazy bothered about money matters as they practice non-attachment. I command you to place the bundles in front of each one of them by turn, so that they may accept your offer”.Bhakt moolchand ji did accordingly. To whoever he took the money, he would reject it out rightly. This created a strange scene there, as if a football match was being played, with each player passing the ball on to the next the same moment.Thus a huge amount of money was being pushed around with no one willing to accept it. Looking at this despicable treatment being given to the riches, Shri maharaj ji took pity. He started to pronounce to bhakt moolchand ji, “no one needs your money here. Now play this trick. Untie the bundle and spread the loose currency notes all the ground”. This having been done, Shri Maharaj ji ordered all the mahatmas to start dancing on the paper floor. The mahatmas, obeying the command began to trample upon the riches, and no one seemed to be worried about it. All of them were rather intoxicated with love and devotion for Shri Maharaj ji. This wonderful spectacle continues until eleven at night. Then Shri Maharaj ji asked bhakt moolchand to gather all the money and further stated that He was pleased with service.
Meeting of the Fourth Guru with the Second Guru
Swami Vairaganand Ji, a dedicated follower of Shri Maharaj Ji was in Sind Province on the ordained mission of awakening the people from the slumber of attachments. Swami Vairaganand Ji presented himself at the lotus feet of Shri Maharaj Ji at Chakauri praying to Him to undertake a visit to Sindh. Shri Maharaj ji accepted the request and visited Lukhi, Garela and some other places in 1927 obliging the devotees by His sacred darshan and spiritual discourses. In the meantime several devotees belonging to Layallpur and Jhang areas sent request letters to Shri Maharaj ji to visit at their place. As such Shri Maharaj ji accompanied by Swami Nijatamanand ji and some other mahatmas came from Chakauri to Salaarwala Railway Station, where He was received by a large number of devotees. His arrival had caused waves and waves of joyous excitement in the minds of devotees. Next day the devotees of Bhakhre wali came to know about the arrival of Shri Maharaj Ji. The Fourth Guru(Shri Swami Sar Shabdanand Ji Maharaj also among the devotees had privilege of having divine darshan of His Holiness . The fourth guru wondered that a glow of pure white light pervaded the whole room. Gracefully seated, Shri Maharaj Ji looked more beautiful than the full moon of the sharad poornima night. The only thought that struck into the minds of fourth guru that in seeing the Second Guru’s divine presence, eyes long cherished wish fulfilled for time not known since when separated from the fountain head of love and affection. As a result now the fourth guru appeared to have suddenly turn alien, in home where he had spent long fourteen years felt as unknown. After some time His Holiness Sadgurudev ji asked to leave so that others could have their turn to see him, but thought of separation made him restless.
Blessing to sing self composed songs-miracle
Shri Maharaj ji was carrying on with His devotional discourses as usual staying at Bhakhrewali. Before an actual discourse some devotees would offer to sing hyms in praise of the Master, then they would sing pray for shri Maharaj ji to come and grant holy darshan(divine presence) to the audience. At that time the fourth Guru(the humble slave) was fourteen years of physical age and fond of singing devotional songs. One day Shri Maharaj Ji asked the fourth guru lovingly you sing bhajn everyday, have you composed yourself or do you take from some booklet, the fourth guru humbly replied “my lord, I take the songs from the text authored by mahatama Bali Nath Ji Yogi entiled Dharam Prachar.” Hearing this reply Shri Maharaj Ji said “No one can satisfy his hunger licking the container discarded after use, I command you to offer only the self composed songs here, everyone can sing songs composed by other, but true praise of the Master involves personal experience, just as a sweet delicacy has to be tasted in original, for its enjoyment and not through the written or spoken words of others.” At this the fourth guru humbly prayed “Shri Maharaj ji I am totally ignorant and not capable of composing devotional songs, only the truly great and worth personages could write poetry or hyms. Shri Maharaj Ji said “we command you to give up your ego or i-ness, which is not at all helpful in writings songs of devotions, by tomorrow, you will have to write one such song.” Having been thus commanded the fourth guru got afraid of a thought to strike the mind as to how it shall be able to have a look at divine presence without a song, to write virtually beyond him, failure to do so would enrage Shri Maharaj Ji, what shall he do now, he thought. The next day when Shri Maharaj Ji asked fourth guru whether he had accomplished the task, the fourth guru humbly replied, “kindly forgive me, my inability to abide by your wish, Maharaj Ji. Hearing this the Second Guru, placed His holy hand over the head of fourth guru and holding his arms and very tenderly said “ I know you are unable to write devotional songs, but you have to compose one, this is my order.” Hearing these treasured words of shri Maharaj ji, the fourth guru felt as if someone hidden within the shrine of his heart was exhorting him to write particular words, the fourth guru awestruck as to who was uttering the words, which also begin to flout around him as if of their own volition. At that very moment the fourth guru sat to write the words dictated by the subtle voice within. The next day when the darshan were allowed, the fourth guru humbly offered this song at the lotus feet of Shri Maharaj Ji.
“Sant roop dhar aaye, satguru san troop dhar aaye”
The full description of Fourth Guru’s life and teachings will be found in the chapter relating to Him(i.e.Fourth Guru).
As You Feel So Shall You See
Shri Maharaj ji was such a divine presence that everyone fl drawn towards him as if towards a magnet. Many of the devotees had heard it said about Shri Maharaj Ji that he could assume several forms at a time or could go on changing forms while seated at a place.
Is It Fair To Demand In Return of Devotion
One day Shri Maharaj Ji was holding a congregation when Bhakt Mahaliya Ram Ji Naaz alongwith his mother, appeared at the holy feet. The mother placed a little offerings before Shri Maharaj ji, who then said, “There seems to be some secret reasons behind this, tell me truthfully, what brought you here.” The woman said “Oh the Supreme Lord,, you know everything, still you ask me this, I have come only to pray for this child of mine who is the matriculate, but idles away his without any work to do. If you could grant him your blessings, he certainly would find some job.”
Hearing this prayer the giver-one said “Why don’t you give up selfish motives?
What’s it that you demand in return of service and devotion? Think well before you open your mouth demanding some boon, only that great Master, Who is all powerful, can fulfill the desires of all.” Bhakt Mahaliya Ram Ji Naaz then said, “Gurudev, I wish a job somewhere.” Hearing this Shri Maharaj Ji had a hearty laugh then said, “Tell me just now which do you prefer, becoming a servent, or becoming a Master.” The Bhakt could only say that he preferred to be a servent, the kind Shri Maharaj Ji, in fact, intended to grant him a boon, but the ignorant boy could not catch the hint and kept the harping on the need of the job and nothing else but the compassionate one who had already opened doors for him, said, “ Take this little offering and start working.” After a month Bhakt Mahilaya Ram ji got a job at Rs. 100/- per month in a manufacturing sports goods at Sialkot. He was quite happy having landed this job. When the Guru feel like doing so, they can even create a river out of a drop.
Guru’s blessings can never go unrewarded, after about two months, Bhakt ji became the owner of the company and shifted to Calcutta. In a few days, there was drastic change in the scenario at home. His family successors are still at Caluctta now, though Bhakt Ji is no more. Due to Shri Maharaj Ji’s blessings, they are fabuously rich. Great Saints rightly say that worldly people wish only for worldly objects and pleasures, whereas the Lord has some other plans for them.
Protection to the Devotee
Once Bhakt Sunder Das ji of Chakbandi came to have the darshan(personal meeting to take blessings) at Bhakhrewali Ashram. Shri Maharaj Ji ordered the Bhakt ji to set out for Kot Khudayaar and bring Bhakt Devi Dayal ji and others. Bhakt Sunder Dass Ji immediately left for the destination at a distance of about 10-12 miles.It was evening when Bhakt Ji was left obeying Guru’s command, soon after night fell on the way. The Bhakt Ji who was eighteen years old then, straight from the path in dark approaching the burial-ground suddenly, he stepped on a grave. Before he wanted to mover further, a horrible voice was heard – “stop here, do not move, why did you let your foot fall on my house?” Standing still and awe-struck he was thinking as to where the voice was coming from when he had the vision of a woman with hair let loose and clad in red clothes standing just in front holding an earthen lamp in hand. Extemely frightened, he felt his head reeling in utter darkness. Still he started moving on a side. The horrible looking woman instantenously threatened, “I will not let you go.” The Bhakt ji at the moment chanced to recall the sacred sentence given to him by Shri Maharaj Ji ‘Remember me as the end of life approaches’ thinking that his end was near, the Bhakt ji remembered Shri Maharaj Ji praying, “Save me O Lord.” Hardly had he uttered these words when the woman stepped aside saying, “Now you remember your Guru, had you not been backed by some super natural power today, I would have wrecked my vengeance on you eating you up. Go now as I am afraid of the one whom you remember, otherwise I would have shown you what I am.” After that Bhakt ji left for the assignment given to him and after completing the work next day returned to the holy refuge at Bhakarewali, when it was time to have darshan “Shri Maharaj Ji asked Bhakt Sunder Dass ji.” Tell me brother how was the journey “Was it trouble free, you must have caught cold, cloudly as it was last night.” The Bhakt lay clinging to the holy feet washing them off with tears of love, then he narrated the whole story to the whole congregational gathering. All the devotees burst into a song in praise of the deity who, closing the chapter then and there, gave blessing to the tearful Bhakt Ji. Bhakt Ji took sanyas later on from Shri Maharaj ji and known as Swami Sat Nirbhramanand Ji
Antaryami Sadguru-The Omniscient Saint
Once Bhakt Ralia Ram Ji of Chakbandi came for darshan of Shri Maharaj Ji but had a thought of putting Shri Maharaj Ji’s fabled power of conscience to test. He would determine this by the fact whether Shri Maharaj Ji gave him his left out water to drink on his arrival. He had hardly seated himself in the congretional hall when an attendant devotee came inviting them to have something to eat, but he expressed his desire to have holy darshan first. Though it was not the time for darshan, still he was called by Shri Maharaj Ji considering the keen desire of bhakt ji. He fell prostrate at the holy feet as Shri Maharaj Ji enquired well being. Soon after the Omniscient Saint drank alittle water of glass and offered the remaining water to Bhakt Ralia Ram ji to drink. Having drunk the left out water, the Bhakt Ji burst into tears. He also deeply regretted the decision to put the preceptor,s power to test out of his foolish ignorance. How shall I now take my own test? The Bhakt Ji’s heart was filled with ecstasy. When alone, he sought Shri Maharaj Ji’s foregiveness, Who then very kindly forgave him. Bhakt Ji’s devotion for the holy feet continued to deepen. After some days, he took the supreme refuge at the feet of His Holiness, having renounced his home and wealth. As in a sadhu’s dress, he became famous by the new auspicious name Swami Nirvairanand Ji.
Surpeme Refuge of the Fourth Guru at the Holy Feet…A toughest test
During Swami Nijatamanand Ji’s, the third guru’s missionary visit to Malpur Gojra in year 1925, the fourth guru availed of the opportunity to have His holy darshan and siiting at His sacred feet.
In the year 1926, finally the Second Guru, Shri Maharaj Ji came to Gojra, the fourth guru had the good fortune of having His holy meeting. Shri Maharaj Ji gave the fourth guru secret name and apparel, but the family members of the fourth guru were against change. Whenever, the fourth guru expressed the desire to attend the congregation, or actually went to attend it, he was given a severe thrashing and punishment. Except his father no one was interested that the fourth guru adopt the path of spiritualism. One day the holy feet of the fourth guru were fettered and was kept confined to a room and remained without food and water. After passing of three days his mother taking pity let him out. As soon as the fourth guru came out and ran towards the Second Guru, reaching there, bowed at the holy feet and prayed that this humble servant wants to put an end to this wretched life, since family members won’t let me come to you, thus unable to bear force separation. Angry at this, Shri Maharaji Ji said “who are you to end your existence? Since you claim to have surrendered your all at my feet, you hold no right now on your body, nor are you any more concerned with the joys and sorrows of life. The crux of the matter is that your spirit of devotion will be strengthened and more enduring through this ordeals, I order you to return home now and earn sainthood within the domestic walls, only when you get the permission from your family you can pay a visit here.
Thus on the advice of Second Guru, the fourth guru returned home, and began to wear a long robe called Alfi. Forced by the family members, the relatives of the fourth guru stopped giving him alms, For three or four days he had live on topical fruit.
Thus a few months passed by apparently Shri Maharaj ji had ordered not visit the Hermitage and also had accused the fourth guru of speaking ill of the fold but inwardly Shri Maharaj ji kind to him.
The Fourth Guru explained in his own words: -“Quite woe-begone and strange were these days when my hair had grown quite long and untidy, and I kept sitting a place for hours together. At the bidding of Shri Maharaj Ji, his favourite devotees come to me singing his praises but after they had left, I would sit vacantly thinking as to what this life is. As Shri Maharaj Ji would not allow me to come near Him but in sheer disappointment I then tried to concentrate on the name-recitation. One day when I was sitting under a tree of wild straw berries feeling as if in trance, these words escaped my lips, let us go now, as soon as I uttered these words the tree started moving. Similarily, when I spoke these words to a wall, it also came into motion, then Shri Maharaj Ji appeared and pronounced, “don’t waste away your time and energy in such ideally pursuits, in a spiritual way it is a childish game.” Humbly abiding by the command, I gave up in taking interest in the miracles, which was ofcourse a wrong use of some special powers. Sh. Kundan Singh Paharia, a choosen devotee of Shri Maharaj Ji, would come to me every night he would bring for me the benediction from Shri Maharaj Ji in the form of ‘Prasad’. In a secret manner, Shri Maharaj Ji had assigned me the duty of looking after the needs of the congregation. I would collect beddings etc. from the village house-holds for the hundreds of devotees who would keep coming to the herirnitage. Finding me in a state of cazy fervor my kith and kin to regard me as insane. One of them said, pointing at my untidy long hair, “why don’t you wash your head.” He then himself took the trouble of giving my head a thorough wash, also applying oil, which gave my hair a good shine, but I didn’t relish all this, and smeared my head with a handful of ash from hearth. One night I was lying in a casual manner when hosts of ants began to climb over me heading for my head. Some devotees from the congregation came and saw the strange site of my ant-infested head. The bliss of such a craziness can’t really be described in words Shri Maharaj ji seemed so close and kind to me that I could converse with Him even while actually sitting a far. All the time I felt myself seated at His sacred lotus feet. By seeing my such condition my mother started beeting her breast as if mourning the loss of someone, this was the last weapon she was using against me. “you are dead to me,” she cried out. While she was thus creating an ugly scene, I envisaged myself seated at the lotus feet of Shri Maharaj Ji. I said to mother, “Since you deem me a dead person now, how can the dead return home?” Mother replied, “If you have really made up your mind never to return home, I would rather offer you at the holy feet, but don’t please go anywhere else. If you decide to remain in the hermitage, I may get the opportunity to see you occasionally.” Getting this assurance, I returned home and took a seat in a corner. At night Shri Maharaj Ji again appeared in my vision announcing, “ask your kindled to come here, alongwith some chiefs and respectable persons of the villages around, to pray and also to provide evidence that they would be offering you at my feet at their own accord.” The command was obeyed in letter spirit next morning. The Members of my family, alongwith some village chiefs and a few hundred other people, reached the holy abode of the Guru. My mother was the first to pray, saying, “Maharaj Ji, kindly take this boy under your tutelage forgiving us for any impudence on our part in criticising you during all this time.” The atmosphere was too somber at the time to be described in words. Shri Maharaj Ji broke the awkward silence after sometime, saying, “I accept your prayers but let me first myself talk to the boy.”
Then, addressing this humble servant, Shri Maharaj Ji said, “you have been denigrating me and the whole sect for the last three years besides causing pain to your parents. This has done a lot of harm to our holy cause. How can then we agree to take you under our tutelage?” I humbly prayed, “Kindly pardone this slave of yours for any impudent behaviour.” Shri Maharaj Ji. Since separation from your Holiness was unbearable to me, nor you were willing take me under your care, I was rather disrespectful in my speech and action, for which I beg to be forgiven forthwith. I promised to be in your kind service in future.” Shri Maharaj Ji then said “Well, you’ll be given the apparel of a Sanayasin.” After a while He addid, “ but you will not be initiated personally by me, it would be better if you returned home and got married, leading a life of comfort and pleasures.” At this my mother prayed, “Kindly do the favour of granting sanyas to my son, or else I may loose him as he is sure to get far away from home.” Shri Maharaj Ji said, “I won’t give him sanyas with my own hands, better you did it. Are you willing to do so?” Mother’s reply was in the affirmative. Then Shri Maharaj Ji asked someone to fetch a saffron coloured stitched robe, giving to this mother, He asked her to put it over me if she so wished. The mother did accordingly it was 12 O’Clock in the middle of the night. About 300 ascetics and over 2000 devotees were present there.Then,addressing my mother Shri Maharaj Ji said, “Do you know who is covered with a sheet , or a shroud? A corpse , my mother replied. Do you believe , then, that your son is dead now?” asked Shri Maharaj Ji. “Yes, I do”, said my mother calmly. “If , as you say , your son is dead, then who is sitting in front of you?” Was the next question” he is a disciple of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji,” came the answer” then, surely,you believe that he is no more your son, he is only a disciple now, “ said the Saint. “Yes, I do “ said the worthy woman. Shri Maharaj Ji , then said ,” Bow your head before my disciple.” Getting the command , my mother touched my feet and folded her hands . At the moment my mind was wavering , and eyes brimming with tears. Reading my mind Shri Maharaj Ji asked, “Do you know why this lady has paid her respects to you? It’s because you are my disciple, and not her son. Now I command you to bow at her feet.”I did so, and at the bidding of Shri Maharaj Ji, I promised her, “Whenever you wish, I’ll come to you.”My mother felt so elated at the moments of the initiation ceremony that she made a handsome offering of victual. Shri Guru Maharaj Ji then gave me the name of ‘Abholanand’.Thus the name that had been kept secret for the last three years was made public. Everyone is likely to forget, except the Guru or the Master, That’s why he has been given high name. Then addressing me, he said, “Since you compose and sing the name of ‘Sar Shabdanand’ because it gives the message of seeking perfect bliss in the Holy Word, which is the essence , in true sense.” Having proclaimed this, Shri Maharaj Ji proceeded to cut off my tuft as per tradition. Performing the ceremony of initiation, he assigned to me the task of serving the congregation.
Favour Granted to Satyarthi Ji
A devotee Gosain Khushi Ram ji had keen desire to learn yoga-knowledge. It began to grow day by day more and more intense and for this purpose he visited Rishikesh, Hardwar and Tapovan several times, holding spiritual discussion with the saints everywhere, but all in vain. Finally one night placing a statue of Lord Krishna in front and having paid his obeisance, he sat praying earnestly, he was full of tears as the hours flew by. At about two in the early next morning , he saw a flash in his vision and heard someonewhispering into his tears, “Go to Lala Devi Dutta Mal.” Coming back to his senseshe headed towards Lala Devi Dutta Mal’s Shop. Hearing a knock at the door, the Lala opened the door. The Gosain Ji then expressed to him the motive of his coming. The Lala said I know nothing about yoga but you could go and meet a saint at Chakauri. Next morning Gosain ji reached Chakauri at about 2 or 3 p.m. in the afternoon. It must be remembered here that before leaving from Salam he had written seven questions of spiritualism on a piece of paper which now lay in his pocket, he had intended to put these questions to Shri Maharaj Ji .If He was able to to satisfy him with his answers, only then Shri Maharaj Ji would be regarded as a true saint otherwise he would come back. Shri Maharaj Ji before starting his discourses said “I am going to deliver a semon fit for the sadhus, this consists of seven questions.” He then started discourses which ran for about two and half hours. But to the utter surprise of Gosain Ji when he found the same questions answered by Shri Maharaj Ji. It was indeed a miracle. Then Gosain Ji stood up and prayed Shri Maharaj Ji, if you deem me fit of the yoga-knowledge, kindly do impart it to me.” As such Shri Maharaj Ji imparted to him the keenly-sought Word and asked Swami Sadguru Sewanand Ji to enunciate to him its essence. In the year 1964 he took up sanyasin’s apparel at Guru Mandir Shri Nangli Sahib and known as Swami Ramanand Satyarthi Ji.
The All Knowing Lord
On day a devotee Shri Mela Ram Ji humbly presented himself at the holy feet. In due course having been initiated into the fold, he begun to serve at the Ashram. He was assigned the duty of purchasing provisions for the lungar. Since his devotion to the Master was based on just hearsay, he got more confused and tempted by the money matters. Due to lack of a firm faith he could not enjoy the name recitation practice also. He began to think of starting his own business at some other place for some time. Now selfless service being the no longer the objective, only the selfish motives reigned supreme in his mind, when he went into the market, he would purchased goods worth hundreds of rupees. Gradually he begun to indulge in dishonest practices, since he was never caught, he developed a wrong notion that Shri Maharaj Ji perhaps at all omniscient as he was believed to be. “Had he been the all knowing Master he must have checked my thieving,” he thought. In the meanwhile, a devotee brought a well bread horse and offered it to Shri Maharaj Ji, who then assigned the task of tending and bathing the horse to Bhakt Mela Ram Ji. One day Bhakt Ji took the horse to the Chenab River intending to give it a bath. The horse entered deep waters and was soon washed away in the fast flow. Bhakt Mela Ram Ji, almost in tears came to report to Shri Maharaj Ji, Who comforted him seing, “why do you weep Mela Ram? What, if the horse got washed away?” Shri Mela Ram Ji prayed “Maharaj; I have caused much harm to the holy court here.” At this Shri Maharaj Ji, the omniscient Lord stated “but you didn’t done it deliberately, so what is the use of crying over it? You would better feel repented over the loss you would have been deliberatey inflicting on the Guru Darbar.”
These words struck the stunned Bhakt like lightening all the scenes he had committed so far now staired in his eyes. Getting hold of the holy feet, he said, “Forgive me my Lord; I am a sinner.” Then exposed all his wile deeds on his own. The all mercifull Shri Maharaj Ji forgave him all his sins, looking at him with eyes full of compassion and pity.
Mercy on the Devotee…Fickleness of Mind
A sincere devotee Swami Sukh Dharmanand ji, serving at the Ashram and had been assigned the task of washing Shri Maharaj Ji’s cloth. Being young it was but natural that he should be fickle minded. Many a time he thought of expressing his grudge to Shri Sadguru Dev Ji. Once when the turn of Swami ji’s came to pay his obeisance at the holy feet, Shri Maharaj Ji caught him by the arm and said “You claim our mind to be capricious and think of complaining to me at the opportune time, well tell me who is greater me or your mind? It seems you have not surrendered to me your mind uptil now. Be careful in future to regard me as greater than your mind. This way you’ll never be deceived.” These words of Sadgurudev’s blessings and assurance filled the Swami’s mind with peace. One day Shri Sadgurudev Ji said to Swami Sukh Dharmanand ji, “Go to the cottage at the village Dholba, Teh. Haryana Distt. Hoshiarpur and sit there for some days and practicing the name-recitation, as this is the only ornament a Sadhu has to wear, what’s the use if one cannot enjoy even the name-recitation after giving up all the worldly comforts?” Hearing these words, he prayed with utmost humility, “O the Merciful! Kindly continue to keep this humble slave, as the separation will be unbearable, making the name-recitation impossible. Then Shri Maharaj Ji looked at him with compassionate gaze, saying, “if you abide by my wish, you will find me ever by your side.” Getting this assurance, he got prepared to leave, reaching Dholba the very next day. Once there, he felt nostalgic, the holy remembering the loved one all the time. He thought, ‘on auspicious day of Sankranti, three or four days from now, devotees from far and flung areas will be coming to have the holy darshan, but I the most unfortunate one, am sitting here alone.” This sad thought brought tears to his eyes and these were the tears of a love-lorn lover suffering the pangs of separation. On the auspicious morning of the sacred Sankranti day, when he sat for the Name-word recitation, he had the holy darshan of the loved-one in the vision. Shri Sadgurudev Ji spoke to him thus, “You will be blessed with my darshan on every Sankranti day, rest assured.” And this really happened. Swami ji stayed there for two years practicing name-word recitation and on every Sankranti Day he would invariably see the holy figure in his vision.
With Sadguru as Oarsman, the Boat Sails Smoothly
Chak No. 45 was a village situated Sylvian surroundings in Distt. Sargodha of West Punjab(now in Pakistan). Its inhabitants were quite innocent, simple hearted and devoted to God-worship. Once a few prominent devotees of the village came to Bhakrewali Ashram to have the holy darshan of Shri Sadgurudev Ji. After a few days they beseeched the Master to visit their place for the benefit of the villagers. The master accepted their prayers, saying, I’ll just accompany you.” These precious words caused waves of thrill in the hearts of the listening devotees. In full swing was the rainy season of Monsoon. Shri Sadgurudev Ji, the uncrowned king of all hearts, left Bhakrewali with the entourage of about 40 Mahatmas and 30 admiring devotees. They went up to Chinyot dist. Jhang by train. Nearby a village railway over bridge was under construction. At that time the ‘ghat-authorities’ received a telegram cautioning them against plying boats. The waters in the river was rising fast and the river appear to be furious, causing terror in the minds of the onlookers. Shri Maharaj Ji said to the oarsman, “Take out your boats, we wish to go across.” When they refused to do so, Shri Sadgurudev Ji expressed his determination to travel across, come what may, that very day.
“Shri Maharaj Ji, the flood waters are increasing rapidly, it wouldn’t be possible to row the boats,” prayed the boatsmen. Giving a beatific smile at this answer, Shri Sadgurudev Ji said, “Please get your boats readied. If there’s a gain it will be yours; in case of loss I take the responsibility, rest assured.” Getting this affectionate assurance, the boatsmen brought their boats to the bank. Shri Sadgurudev Ji’s decked cot was laid up in the centre of a boat, with devotees taking their seats around it. This presented a wonderful sight. All those present were quite cheerful with Shri Sadgurudev Ji amidst them giving holy darshan. When boat began to move again, the bullock ( who was also on the boat) got panicky, and in fright pushed a woman alongwith her lap-child, overboard causing a great hue and cry; and one of the devotee at once jumped into the water and having rescued them brought them into the boat, safe and sound.
At that time, Shri Maharaj Ji(the fourth guru) was also in service of the Lord. Shri Sadgurudev Ji asked him to sing a hymn as a river presented a beautiful scene. Obeying the command, humble disciple(the fourth guru) sang this song of praise in honour of Shri Sadgurudev Ji to the accompaniment of Dholak-Chimta. It was earlier composed by Swami Nijatmanand Ji.
“Satguru aaye tarne which kalyug de”
Meaning :- Shri Sadgurudev has descended on the earth in this dark age of kalyug in order to protect and uplift the true devotees.”
The devotees sitting in the boat followed in the singing of hymn in chorus inspired by Shri Sadgurudev Ji’s gracious presence.
While The boat was just crossing when it got swirled away by the strong current. Soon it found, itself circling round and entangled in mighty whirlpool. Worry was the bit large on the faces of boatsmen, who feared the lest board should capsized. Bearing the impace of the tidal waves, the boat would almost overturned when it would be able to restore the balance instantly, while the whirling waves battled it on all sides. Faced with such a precarious situation the boatsmen got prepared to save their own lives by jumping into the river leaving behind their oars. “Here we go” exclaimed they in great panic, “It’s difficult to survive now.” Hearing these words, all the passengers began to wail and cry loudly. Seeing them in distress, a smiling Sadgurudev Ji tried to comfort them, but the boatsmen cried, “A Boat comprising 150 men capsized just the other day. No one knows where they have vanished. Here the water is very deep. The supporting pillars for the bridge as well as the measuring poll of thick steel meant to gauze the depth, have all disappeared under the sheet of the rising water. Standing on the other bank at a distance, the English contractor saw all these and immediately sent a steamer(fitted with an engine) to rescue the hapless passengers. One of the boatsmen prayed, “Holy saints are supposed to be the Masters of nature, they can save a drowning man; but it’s strange, Shri Sadgurudev Ji, that another boat is on the way to rescue you, who should be the rescuer, why don’t you do something to help us all!” While the boatsmen was thus praying and everyone else was quite despaired, Shri Sadgurudev Ji was laughing his heart away. Before the steamer could come near this boat in distress, to the utter surprise of all, they found their boat almost by the side of the bankl on the other side. Everyone was amazed what they saw. No one could ever understand the secret as to how the swirling boat had suddenly sailed smoothly to the opposite bank. There was no eyewitness either of the boatgetting out of the deadly whirlpool.
The spectators on the other bank also stood stunned watching all this miracle act of Shri Sadgurudev Ji. They all fell at the holy feet, so much awe-inspiring was the personage. The English contractor particularly, stood wonder-struck. He took the holy saint to his bungalow and served him well, to his own benefit. He also arranged a lungar for the whole lot of devotees. But Shri Sadgurudev Ji on his own part paid handsome rewards the boatsmen. As such Shri Sadgurudev Ji reached its destination along with devotees.
Lord Agrees To whatever strikes the minds of Holy Saints
All the devotees were duly informed of the proposed vyas puja celebrations at Tal Buland at the behest of Shri Maharaj Ji. Accordingly incharges of various Ashrams left for blissful destination. Among them was Swami Akhandanand Ji who came from Gujranwala, West Punjab(now in Pakistan). He was on the train when some ticket checkers asked for his railway ticket on the way. His response was, “Since we never touch money, the question of purchasing the ticket doesn’t arise.” Hearing this, they would stand with folded hands letting him continue his journey. He thus reached Mari Indus Terminal station where a railway bridge was under construction over the Sindh. From here all the passengers would cross the river on a ship or on a boat in order to catch the train from Kala Bagh, when he boarded the ship he took his seat among the other passengers. When ticket checker came, again Swami Ji replied “Since I never touch money, Travel I must as I am going to have the darshan of the holy Master and also to participate in the guru-worship celebrations.” These words had no effect on the ignorant official. The arrogant official vainly replied, “in that case we are also not allowed to let the persons like you to board the ship.” Hearing this, Swami Ji disappointed and went back from the ship. Seated by the side of hillock, he began to enjoy a view of colourful nature, but the sad thought of not having darshan brought tears to his eyes and the separation seemed to be ubearable. Then suddenly these words escaped his lips “Don’t let the ship move further, O, Lord!” As a result the ship wouldn’t move, all were puzzled, then one of the passengers said “Maybe he is a genuine sadhu all are not alike,” then all started searching Swami Ji and finally looked aand requested “Maharaj ! You are welcome to board the ship, please come now so that we may reach our destination.” Swami Ji seated and the ship started without any problem. Passengers appreciated Baba Ji you stopped even ship from moving ahead. Your worth as sadhu.” Listening this Swami Ji thought I am really great. Thinking this devotional connection got somewhat loose. Thus traveling finally reached Tal Buland the next day. Lying prostrate, he paid his obeisance and then had the divine darshan. Enquiring after his well being, Shri Maharaj Ji said “How was the journey? I hope it was all smooth.” But the Swami Ji replied “ Shri Maharaj Ji, I enjoyed a lot at Kala Bagh.” Then he narrated the whole story at the end of which Shri Maharaj Ji said, “what you did is not becoming of a sadhu. Just think what a blunder you have committed, if you had continued to stay there, away but thinking of me, you would surely have had my darshan there itself.” Just think how much harm you have done to the cause by indulging in such miracles. In fact your Master intended to give you spiritual promotion by getting you down from the ship, but instead of conducting in accordance with the plan, you got your own will to prevail. Always bear this in mind that you are not empowered to bless or curse anyone in future, instead, have faith in nature, who will always give you a helping hand.”
After this the divine saint proclaimed to the congregation “Mahatma Akhandanand Ji remains in a meditative posturefor 18 hours a day. He is otherwise a favourite disciple of mine, but sometimes some sadhus, in their innocent ignorance, do turn nature into their instrument for a certain purpose. True Sadhus are those who remain happily contended in the will and manner of their deity without caring for their own lordship, the one who sticks to his own ways, remains stuck on his way up never reaching the goal.”
Blessings to a well…. an another mircale
The Bhakhrewali Aashram was build up in the year 1928. But the piece of land fixed for the purpose was barren, with not a single grain grown there for years. First of all, a specific site for digging a well was chosen. All the devotees humbly cautioned Swami Nijatamanand Ji against the step as they feared the water from the desert land would not be worth drinking. But Swami Ji said,” You may be right, but you are forgetting that the well is part of the Aashram, therefore, the water that comes out is sure to be drinkable.” At this, Shri Bulaki Ram Ji a goldsmith of the village went to the extent of saying, “Your god must be a different god. There is at all no possibility of the water turning out to be a portable.” Then Swami Ji own his own volition, struck a few blows of pick-axe on the hard ground as the jubilant followers started distributing the sanctified victuals. After a few days the new well gave such a sweet and tasty water that everyone was surprised. Once when Shri Maharaj Ji was on a visit of a Bhakhrewali Aashram, he stood near the well and prounced his blessings “The water of this well will have curative effect on the patients.” Soon the construction work of the Aashram was completed with the blessings of Shri Maharaj Ji.
In Master-Disciple Relation-Obeying Command…A Must
When Shri Maharaj Ji(the Second Guru) was still at Chakuari, a devotee offered some money at His holy feet. Then Shri Maharaj Ji handed over the same to Swami Ajunianand Ji for safe keeping. The Swami ji went another room for the purpose. As he was placing the amount in the box he was called by Shri Maharaj Ji for some work. The Swami ji took some time in answering the call. When he presented himself before Shri Maharaj Ji, ther later asked “What were you doing ?” The Swami ji answered “ I was taking care of the offering, my Lord,” “Bring the money here,” said Shri Maharaj Ji. His command was immediately obeyed. When the bundle of currency notes was brought, Shri Maharaj Ji said “You dare to disobey Guru’s call today just for the sake of this money, what is the hope for the future then ?” Saying this Shri Maharaj ji ordered Swami Ji to tear off the notes, so that repeating of the mistake never occur. Cent percent obeying and self surrender is must if one desires to attain his goal of self realization.
Sadguru’s Darbar never lacks anything
Once Swami Aabedanand ji and Swami Ajunianand ji seemed to be worried, as there was no money left in Guru Darbar’s box. They began to pray silently for some kind of help to arrive soon.
Shri Maharaj Ji (the Second Guru) asked them to lay his bed out in the courtyard. They immediately brought the four-poster out, spreading a beautiful bedding on it. Shri Maharaj Ji got seated on it. After some time the Giver-one said to them “what is laying under the bed sheet? Come and take it away.” When the attending Swamis removed the bed sheet, they found large amount money lying there. They were quite amazed, since, when they were laying in the bed, the money was not there, moreover no devotee had visited in the meantime. “You were quite worried for the holy service weren’t you ? Look, the Lord has fulfilled your wish, without your asking for it,” said Shri Maharaj Ji. It is pertinent to note here that all the tasks of a perfect Sadguru has to accomplish are controlled by Nature, so no need to worry on this sore.
The Fast
Shri Maharaj Ji(Second Guru) arrived at Bhakhrewali Ashram from Chakauri around January 1934. The devotees were excited by His arrival there. One day the reverred mother of Fourth Guru(Swami Sar Shabdanand Ji Maharaj) also came to attend the spiritual discourse. At the conclusion as per practice sacred Prasad was distributed. The honourable lady prayed to be blessed with some Prasad at the hands of Shri Maharaj Ji, who was indeed kind enough to to oblige her. By chance, she was keeping a fast, and as such food is taken at the in the last part of the day. She thought that she would partake the Prasad at home after feeding cow and the Brahmin. She did not realize the sanctity of the sacred Prasad she got from the holy hands of Shri Maharaj Ji Himself.
Now look at the strange act of Shri Maharaj ji. She got astray from the much familiar path she used to take on her frequent visits to the Ashram and began to wander here and there. For almost an hour she continued to search the right path but all in vain. She didn,t ask any one as she was resident there for the past 40 years. She was afraid what the people would say about her straying, but soon she struck with the thought that it was all due to disrespect shown to the Prasad of Shri Maharaj ji. Instantly she ate Prasad with mind focussed on the holy feet of Shri Maharaj ji. And at the same moment she found herself standing on the path that led to her village. Now instead of returning home she came back to Ashram where she begged Shri Maharaj Ji for His kind foregiveness. Thereafter, she headed towards home. In shortwhile, the whole sangat came to know of inexplicably wonderful and fathomeless doing of reverred Shri Maharaj Ji.
The Benevolent Lord
One day an elderly lady, who lay on her death-bed, was nearing her end. “You kindly go there to give your divine darhsan to Mata Ji,” prayed some of the Mahatma’s. Shri Maharaj Ji gave a laugh and then said, First go and ask her if she actually needs me.” The loved ones went there and said to her, “The Lord asks whether he should come to youor not.” Pointing out a vacant chair lying near her bed, the lady said, “Shri Maharaj Ji is very much present there. I can see his sacred form.” The devotees were amazed at the reply. They went back to Shri Maharaj Ji and narrated the whole story. The Master got a little excited on hearing this account and said, “That lady is still in human form. And there iss no doubt about her liberation. I give my word that even the dogs of Teri will leave their bodies chanting the sacred Gurumantara. They will be reborn as human beings and in excellent shape. “These deep words of the Master left all the listeners wonder-struck.
Collection of Discourses
Shri Sadgurudev Ji ‘s discourses and Satsang began to shower nectar here, quenching the thirst of long-parched souls. One day Swami Vairaganand Ji, Swami Satgurudewanand Ji, Swami Gurudarshnanand Ji and Shri Maharaj Ji(Four Guru) consulted themselves to put the holy discourses in black and white. The other Swamis have this responsibility to fourth guru saying, “As soon as the Master(Second Guru) starts his discourses, you also start writing it down. And this work must be undertaken now. It’s a matter of regret that this great task couldn’t be accomplished earlier, so short-sighted we have been in this respect. The priceless words of Sadgurudev Ji are a great boon to the whole world.”
The fourth guru set out to do this service from that very day. The Omniscient Master seemed to be aware of it right on the first day. During the course of his discourse once he looked at me, saying, “What are you doing? Composing a poem, or a song, perhaps?’ the fourth gurui rose at his seat and humbly submitted, “O the Lord of my life ! This humble slave of yours is putting down your secret words.” Shri Sadgurudev Ji said, “You thought of doing this only now, so late! But it’s good that you are awakened from a deep slumber, at long last. Remember, the word of the guru is the guru himself. One who carelessely forgets the guru’s word doesn’t deserve to be called a guru’s disciple. Our words are related to the concentration of Dhyana, and as and when you remember these words, you’ll make progress in Dhayana. So began to build up a reservoir of such spiritual thought right from now
Remember, our satsang, Our satsangs will never come to an endeven thoughyou may go on recording them, yet you may carry on with the practice in your devotion. We can forsee, and hereby command, that these written records will be of much use in future.”
As such fourth guru collected all his discourses and a time had come when He(fourth guru) authored a spiritual book named “Shri Swarup Darshan” famous world-wide are readily available at all Adwait Swarup Ashrams.
Immortal Words
At Sindh the climate of place did not suit many of the Mahatmas and they fell ill with fever. Shri Maharaj Ji then declared, “Any Sadhu who is able to return to Punjab hale and hearty will be deemed to have crossed the wordly ocean.” His words, in fact. The gospel truth. In those days the fourth guru(Swami Sar Shabdanand Ji) also had fallen prey to the brain fever.
The Fourth Guru himself narrated the acts in his own words:-
Though I remained under the treatment of a physician, Dr. Kanshi Ram, my health didn’t improve. The doctor one day even announced that I would not survive, as my condition had become rather critical. Shri Sadgurudev Ji sent for the doctor and bade him to continue the treatment. The doctor prayed, “I’ve no medicine for a dead-body; he wouldn’t survive in any case.” Shri Sadgurudev Ji gave the doctor an injunction, “Though you may have to revive even a dead-body, you have to do it. Administer to him any medicine that would do the trick.’
The medicine was given in the name only. In fact, it was due to the kindness of the gracious Lord, that I regained my sense a little, to the utter amazement of the doctor. Soon I was on the way to complete recovery. At the behest of the Lord, some Mahatmas picked me up and carried me upto the holy feet due to my physical weakness. At that moment, the Compassionate Lord put his tender hand over my head and declared : “This is his second birth now, as the body of the earlier Sar Shabdanand is no more.” In addition to it, Shri Maharaj Ji rather, quietly, proclaimed that this body will continue to exist for fifty years more, but the whole sangatwas able to hear these immortal words as well as some other words, which are quite difficult to fathom by short-sighted men like me.”
The Fruit of Wilfullness
Once Shri Sadgurudev Ji sent Shri Maharaj Ji on some businesses to Chinyot in Distt. Jhang from Chakauri.
The fourth guru narrated the event in his own writings:-
“Obeying the command, I went to Village Jahangir from Chinyot. This village was at a distance of about eleven miles from Layallpur. Only a dusty road led upto the place, and I had some money too, on my person. Having had my breakfast. I started from Jahangir Village to go to Layallpur on a tonga, which ahd some other passengers also.
We had barely moved a short distance, when I felt my eye-sight had completely gone. “O the giver-one ! What kind of a blessing is this? Why am turned blind ?” I prayed to the lotus feet in my mind. I had a fear also lest the co-passenger should snatch the sangat-money I had with me, “How far is it upto Layallpur ?” I asked the tonga-wallah and he said, “Still four miles to go. The slave then silently prayed, “O, the Benevolnt Lord! You are merciful, you are the giver of inner light too. For what am I being punished thus?
Then a thought suddenly flashed across my mind. Shri Sadurudev Ji had commanded me to go upto Chinyot only. But I had spent a couple of days at village Gokhuwal with some relations, without permission, of course. Certianly this punishment is in lieu of that crime. I strained my eyes several times, yet nothing could be seen. None of the co-paasengers could know of the development. I said to the tonga-wallah, “Please drop me at the clock tower.” But the tanga-wallah rejoined, “The tonga will stop only at its stand in the Kutchehri Bazar. I was at a loss to know how I shall reach the house of Bhakt Gurudayal Ji, a mile away from the tanga stand. I offered silent prayers at the feet of my revered deity,” come to protect your slave, O, Gurudev, and restore my eye-sight.” The earnest petition was very kindly granted, and I was able to see slightly. And before the tanga reached its stand, my eye-sight was fully restored.”
Cermonial Victuals
Having stayed for about two months in Sindh, Shri Maharaj Ji(Second Guru) returned to Pippal Bhutta Ashram in Distt. Jhang, Punjab alongwith his fellow saints. This was in September, 1934. The loved Lord stayed here during the winter months. One day Swami Anmol Premanand Ji made a humble submission at the sacred feet, saying, “What is the best method of offering ‘Bhog’ (Cermonial Victuals) to your sacred self, Shri Maharaj Ji ?” The revered saint said, “Whenever you put a morsel of food into your mouth, think that it belongs to the mouth of the guru(Master) and not to yours; and you are feeding your body, rather it is the body of the guru that is being fed. This is the best function of ceremonial bhog.”
The Last Meeting
The activities concerning the spiritual upliftment undertaken by Guru’s Darbar had expanded to large extents. The revered Sadgurudev Ji had to travel a lot from one place to another drawn by the attraction of the loved-ones. This resulted in much fatigue to his sacred body. So special arrangements to run the affairs began to be contemplated. After a deep thought the Lord chose and appointed these six chief-saints as incharge of various activities :-
1.Swami Nijatmanand Ji(Third Guru)
2. Swami Vairaganand Ji
3. Swami Beantanand Ji
4 Swami Abhedanand Ji
5. Swami Ajunianand Ji
6. Swami Sat Vicharanand Ji
The Second Guru ordained them thus; “First you should hold mutual consultations in connection with some specific assignment; then, you can seek co-operation of other Mahatmas as well, if need be. In this manner, you’ve to run the activities and functions of Guru Darbar.”
The Last Message
Shri Sadgurudev Ji (Second Guru) pronounced, “Always remember this time, wherever you go, deem me ever by your side and over your head. I am not with you only for the present moment; I’ll be with you and over your head for all the times to come. Work tirelessely trumpeting the cause of ‘Satya Naam’(Truthfull Name), Sahaj Yog(Effortless concentration), Nirakshar Naam(Unlettered Name), Brahma Chintan(Contemplation about the ultimate reality), Atam Vichar(Contemplation about self), and Sakshi Swarup(Be a witness), the path that I have shown you. Do good wherever you go. But always remember this : you don’t deem yourself, or actually become a guru. The World may call you by this title, but you don’t have to become one. And remember the identification mark of the true guru-this one with a little dark wart on his person, is your true guru, and no one else.”
The Celebration of Guru-Poornima
The sacred festival of the Guru-worship fell in the month of July on Ashadh Shudi Poornima. The festive decorations at the Ashram were worth-seeing. Only a rare, unfortunate devotee might have been left at home, who couldn’t be a witness to this majestic pomp and show. All other devotees cme to celebrate the occasion at the Chakauri Ashram. They worshipped their revered deity as per their tradition, performing the sacred ‘Aarti’ , besides making offerings at the holy feet. The adorable Lord delivered special spiritual discourses and sermons on this special day.
The Forecast- Hint about His Darhsant Partition
All the points narrated at Chakauri by Sadgurudev Ji(Second Guru) came true before His departure regarding his devine darshan after 12 years in panels of glass and partition of the country in 1947.
Once Shri Sadurudev Ji proclaimed, “The holy darbar will reveal it inner glory only to that seeker who himself becomes like this. The time once past can never be recalled, however hard you may try. In due course, the fortunate ones will come to understand the reality. In the times of earlier saints also, the devotees were taken in by their own tricky minds. And only after the holy men had departed from the world, they began to be worshipped.
I can forsee a furious storm in the coming times that would inevitably uproot even the tallest of trees turning them upside down. Mothers will have to flee to save their own lives, leaving behind their small children. People will be either rendered homeless, they family reputation will have to run for their lives, deserting all these. Great men of the world will disappear changing their forms, as they would not bear to witness these dark times with their own lives. Those who remain in refuge of the holy saints, will come to no harm. Just like the story of Prahlad.
Service without Pride
One day, the revered Preceptor(Second Guru) addressed and proclaimed to the Mahatmas : “You are like sitting swans. The world is like water with milk as its essence, which is the all Blissful Lord. Like a swan you have to discern constantly between what is milk and what is water and thus discerning you have to drink only the milk. This way you will be transforming yourn life from the selfish one to all-sacrificing one, for the spiritual welfare of all. Tasks that has been accomplished by the dedicated devotees of the Gurus in the past, have to be undertaken by you now. The holy Name and the desire for honours are enemies of each other. Those who understood this well, they got absorbed in Name sacrificing all their honours. You should have surrendered your ego and your pride at the feet of the guru, which are nothing but veils over the pure form of soul. But those sadhus or devotees who wish to be honoured by their guru, they would be invited to Yamraj’s neither world. Only an ascetic keeps awake in the night of this dark world, while all others lie fast asleep. An ascetic or a yogi is he who all the time absorbed in Yoga(i.e. the union of soul with the supreme soul), having completely detached from these trappings, is an ascetic in true sense.
Bhakt Ganda Ram Ji Arrived
Swami Gurcharnand Ji was away to the numerous small villages in Distt. Meerutt of Uttar Pradesh on the mission of satsang in accordance with the sacred command of the Compassionate one. Inspired by Him Bhakt Genda Ram Ji, Pandit shri Ram ji, Shri Munshi Singh Ji- all from Village Nangli, Tehsil Sardhana, besides the two loved ones from khata, came to Chakauri Ashram for the holy darshan of the divine on the auspicious occasion of Vyas Pooja. They also humbly implored the Lord to come to their village Nangli, to benefit the villagers with his sacred darshan. The benign Sadgurudev Ji very kindly accepted their invitation. Then the Master bade Swami Ajunianand Ji, “Write down the addresses of these loved ones. We shall go to them as and when the opportunity arises.”
Leaving Punjab……
After Deepawali it was the day of Tuesday, the 13th Oct., 1935, When Shri Maharaj Ji(Second Guru) announced his decision to leav Punjab for good and settle in U.P. The announcement, which was made in the presence of 800 saffron clads Mahatmas and thousands of householder devotees, caused a wave of agony among the gathering. All of them burst into wailing. The very thought of separation from the Loved Lord made the devotees feel extrememly restless. But the pathetic cries of the sangat fell, as if, on deaf ears. All the devotees were profousely shedding tears as if their eyes turned into monsoon season of heavy rains. The hearts were full of grief. Shri Sadgurudev Ji finally departed from Chakauri Ashram which was not only the Hadquarter of the satsang activities, but also a beautiful shrine of pilgrimage built in Punjab at the cost of lakhs of rupees. The sight that unfolded itself was similar to that when Lord Rama was leaving Ayodhya into an exile of fourteen long years. As for the Lord Rama he atlast did return to Ayodhya after the exile period was over, but this Lord turned away his face for good, after leaving the place.
This Chakauri of ours, which was earlier like a magnificent queen, lies now in ruins not worth a single paisa. You, by your departure from here, have pushed all its splendor as if intoa drain of sorrows. No doubt, it was an act of betrayal on your part. With the Lord gone away, the swift flowing waves of Chenab also appeared to be standing still now, as if lost in a sad reverie as to who will come to the river-bank for a walk giving us the holy darshan. The whole nature appeared to be stunned. It is beyind the power of pen to describe the state of unhappy loneliness.
In the Capital
Thus the Lord reached Lahore via Mayana Hazara through Mid Ranjha, leaving behind his grief stricken devotees in deep agony. From Lahore, He left for Delhi by train. When the train was passing through Sakauti Tanda railway station, Swami Ajunianand ji reminded the Lord about Nangli Village. At this the Lord announced : “At present we shall move to Delhi first. From there we’ll plan to visit Nangli Sahib.” The devotees belonging to Delhi were beside themselves with immense joy to find Shri Maharaj Ji in their midst. But the Lord preferred to stay in solitude, with only few a lucky devotees granted permission for his sacred darshan. Thus he spent one and half month in Delhi.
One day he sent Swami Gurucharnanand Ji to inform the loved ones at Nangli. Reaching there, the Swami duly informed Bhakt Genda Ram ji and others of the Lord’s arrival at Delhi.
Arrival at Shri Nangli Sahib
Sakauti Tanda in Dist. Meerut is a small way side Railway Station on the Delhi-Saharanpur rail section. The loved ones belonging to village Nangli and nearby places were eagerly looking forward to the divine visit of the Lord at Sakauti Tanda, where he duly arrived at the appointed time. The whole sangat quenched their inner thirst having had the darshan of the divine Sadgurudev Ji. They began to consider themselves lucky in this respect now, having been emboldened and enriched by the sacred darshan, whereas prior to that they were despaired due to their poverty and frailty. As Shri Sadgurudev Ji set his sacred foot on its soil, it was as though its sleeping fortunes had turned for the better. The revered Lord put up at the dwelling of his true and impeccable devotee Bhakt Genda Ram Ji. Surely it was some divine inspiration due to which Bhakt Genda Ram ji became instrumental in bringing the Lord to the Village, leaving behind large Ashrams built at the cost of lakhs of rupees in the Frontier, Sindh and Punjab.
Last Visit to Delhi
Shri Sadgurudev Ji came to Delhi in the beginning of 1936. All the devotees and the other loved ones ample benefited from the holy discourses. Having had the darshan of divine saint all the Bhakts felt over-enraptured. All of them and other residents devotees of Delhi were overwhelmed with the satsang discourse held by the revered lord forgetful of their homes and hearths they began to avail themselves of the rare opportunity to serve the Sadguru by sacrificing their all and thus realize a spiritual elevation while still in the human form.
The Namaaz Granted
One day Bhakt Ram Lal ji set out from the house at Kishanganj Road, in order to have the sacred darshan. The Sadgurudev Ji on those days was putting up at Darya Ganj. It was the auspicious day of ‘Id’. Approaching the Jama Masjid he found the road blocked by the huge crows of namaazis. In the meantime, it was time for Namaaz and everyone bent down to say the prayers. Bhakt Ram lal ji thought what to do now, as there seemed no way out until the prayers had been said. Then, what happened ! The Bhakt Ji also started reciting Namaaz like all others around him . He would also bend down pr sway like others did. When the namaaz was over he hugged some of the neighbouring devotees greeting ‘Id Mubarak’ as per the custom. Then he sat out again towards Darya Ganj thinking what a wonderful thing it would be if while having holy darshan of the rverered Master, his namaaz should also be accepted in the guru’s court. As soon as he entered the sanctum wherein the Lord was seated, he fell lying prostrate at the lotus feet. The Lord then bade him to take a seat down. The Bhakt then noticed faint smiles on the face of the divine Master, who asked “Have you come after performing your namaaz, Ram Lal?”. As the graceful devotee made a mention of the Namaaz, the Gurudev gave a boisterous laughter. Only then Bhakt Ji could feel assured that his namaaz had been virtually accepted. It seemed as though the sacred darshan of divine was the fruit of his namaaz-prayers.”
Blessing to Shri Nangli Sahib
Having bestowed his darshan for two months in Delhi, the revered Lord reached Shri Nangli Sahib during the second week of March, 1936. During those days Shri Sadgurudev Ji once pronounced, “Those who feel an acute urge for may darshan, will manage to reach Nangli, anyhow. This shrine of Nangli will be known far and wide and called as the Nangli of the Saints. This is my native seat or the throne. Therefore, don’t you ever consider it an ordinary cottage. It is the temple of the Guru, a Gurudwara of a sort. Even the dust of this place will be worshipped ad regarded as consecrated dust fo the sacred feet.”
The Holy Water(Amrit Sroat)
One the Compassionate One announced to the devotees, “There is an extreme paucity of water here. As a consequence, the sangat that arrives here to have darshan, is put to trouble not having sufficient water. It’s my wish to install a handsome hand-pump at this place.” When the water-pump was ready . It was found to give very cool, sweet and delicious water. “O the King Lord, it would have been better to dig a well here for an abundant supply of water, suggested some of the Mahatmas. Shri Sadgurudev Ji gave a gentle laugh at this saying, “It is rather the fountain-head of water of life. Soon the time will come when the devotees will carry its water filled in bottles so far away places. Many a living being will be benefitted from its nectar like water. Only I am aware of its true secrets, which can not fathom. And truly, thousands of devotees take this holy water filled in bottles, to their homes and use it as if consecrated by the feet of the divine. Owing to the sacred blessings of our Lord, innumerable devotees habe been benefited in curing the most incurable diseases by its use.
The Lord Leaves….
The Supreme preceptor, Shri Paramhans Dayal Ji(First Guru) told his favourite disciples in very clear terms five days before his departure for the ultimate abode of bliss. Similarily, our holy Lord also predicted very clearly, I have to leave on Thursday, the 9th April, early in the morning.” Then the revered Lord sent for Shri Shahbaz, an iron smith if Shri Nangli. To him the Shri Sadgurudev Ji spoke thus : “I am scheduled to leave on the morning of 9th April. After I have left, you have to remove these two griders from where they join together and also the wooden pillar that stands below supporting them. Then, converting this room into a big hall, you have to build my dwelling place in the shape of a throne, for I’ll live here on the proposed seat for all times to come. And this should be a worth-seeing place, beautiful enchanting to the loved devotees.”
On the evening of 8th April, 1936, the most adorable Lord went out for a walk as usual. Returning from there Shri Sadgurudev Ji held a brief session of satsang. Then he met the devotees who had earlier sought appointments. Pointing out to Bhakt Ram Chander Ji of Shri Nangli Sahib, the Lord proclaimed ; “I’ve got four ‘Rotis’ with me. One is meant for Punjab, another one for Gwalior and two for Nangli here, as this place is very close to my heart.
The ill fated day of 9th April had to dawn at last. Early in the morning Shri Sadgurudev Ji got up and having attended to the calls of nature, he took his usual seat in his room. To his own attendants, he said, “Keep sitting outside the room, you will be called when needed.” Having said these words, he closed the door and then seated himself on his well adorned cot in the posture of ‘Padmasan’ As such the most revered, the most adorable ruler of the hearts had attained the state of ‘Mahanrivaan’(freedom from the material existence). All the mahatmas and devotees present there burst into piteous cries of wailing rent the air. The followers rushed to Meerut to send telegrams to other prominent Ashrams.
Shedding warm tears and heaving cold sighs of sheer grief. Shri Swami Nijatmanand Ji and Swami Abhedanand Ji finally gave Samadhi to the sacred body at Shri Nangli Sahib as per his sacred testaments in which Sadgurudev Ji had expressed his wish to remain in Shri Nangli Sahib.